Virginia Gazette from Williamsburg, Virginia (2024)

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£100 PEKIEAK OPPOSITION WAXES CANADA'S CONDUCT NEW TRIALNOW SURE Dr Talmago Eloquently Portrays Destiny the CROWDS BESIEGE THE PAYMASTER the Ori rslaio wIor Cnri BRITISH GOVERMEH MUST EXPLAIN ESTERHAZI THE REAL CLIPHIT of NAeaknem pre PrwIikM Codrge Wahhgtou down on kuM Ameri In nmor at Vllv rnlw nA ld ai nvlfpl1 days unsigned for Hnvaiia says the (n rrnor Itolllluy windows blown in Many house were Be the Ja but for im arigable and greater Here ar iry heart and hand Be mine cblmpaifstea would ba better than th' oriiwr fot ths Inna n4 aaI a a 3 ILAH II or the shlnwreekM hmin 2ft txtoefi nOit fAvlll ha Read the gazette Boundary Controversy Not Likely to Be Settled Copyright 1809 by Louis Klepach Washington May 23 In this discourse Dr Talmage speak The Dalilcren was nil HAVANA May 30 Yesterday' the contract trim nation for such a farce" "To infidelity this Unr riends of Air si di the Cauadura author! ties prohibited any further Impui mtlon nursery stock At the an hut time the Canadian courts held the Amerienns 1 a JX' inp plotter yrho ooro Jo feieunfiw intfenot' vrol inr 4 9 i 11 A rs I 1 1 1 I on I 1 I i a jixxis WILLIAMSBURG VA SATURDAY JUNE 3 1899 noneral DeJnd" of GuMJtajMy Prov ince Ordrrv lllsi ralloiverw DU bnnd and Threatens tQ Shoot VOL VII NO' lorever north iiith etst ami west forbid the banns of that marriage forbid them nt the ballot box forbid them on the plat form forbid them by great organlzu tions forbid them by theovertvuelmi ag sentiment of an outraged nation forbid them by the protest of the church of God forbid them by prayer to high Heaven That Herod shall not hove this Abigail It shall not be to nil de vouring monopoly that this land is to be married Another suitor claiming the hand of thia republic is nihilism He owns nothing but a knife for uni versal eutiliroatcry and a nitroglycerin bomb for uni'ersal explosion He be lieves in no God no government no lieuven and no hell except whut he van make on earth lie slew the czar of Russiq keeps many a king practically imprisoned killed Abraham Lincoln would put to death every kirgnnd pres ident on earth and if he had the power would td'mb up until he could drive the God of Heaven fro in His throne and take it himself the universal butcher In rance it is called comiunuiurai in the United States it is called anarchism In Russia it Is called nihilism but I Hat Inst is the most graphic and descriptive term It mentis complete and eternal smash up It would make the holding of property a erimel and it would drive a dagger through your heart and put a torch to your dwelling and turn over this whole land into the possession of theft and lust and rapine and murder "Where does this monster live? In all the towns and cities of tin land It of fers its hand to thia fair republic It Partisans of Dreyfus Are Con fident of Acquittal Cuban Soldiers Take More Kindly to the $75 ASHiNGTON May rcliuj It be UttceMwry at this Ug in the ex changes between th United States andireit Britain iepe ting Can i tmn honndttry mtronry that the exact hl titudw of the American tth'hlld lie defined sad that tin people nott ly of the United Stste but of Great Britain might have an oppm Vimir to Judge for tliemwlvr of the comparative timd i ut the action of the Unite! SiiHM and Canada respeeth cly th fl lowing ataleiu nf han been obtained from a prominent perjwnA aotitlnuea tn be a land of snr prises The friendly protocol of Wih ington'waa signed on May HO Itflbl for the rdjfixitnent of all dilL m'v betweenhe United it and Canada in a moat amicable spirit Th ink of that proto col was only well try when the pruvlcue vf Ontario din meied a ehaiiee tn exhibit to share these peculiar principle of iu tevinil iimnl iiitermmrse in respeei to the bmmduy of Alaska They iirpteatcd in dignantly against any conditions snvlng the existing right of Arueruans tu the ronntry to be tirbllrhted Years before the cuinnnssliii met United State citi zens without nny question or protest thou right so to du lout cuih the hand waters of the Lynn ritual and eatahlished towns and settlements there 'Under these iriuiuatanees the United States coniinissloners thought it right tu vvltldiohl such tide water settlements from the Jurisdi tivii and it was against this limitation that tlm Canadian miiuissioners so vehemently protested Now it wins thnt Cnnndn Is protesting with equal veheniein against arbitration unless the United States shall agree to give th In any ease th Pyramid har bor region to which they never before the meeting of the commission aaserted nny right hich they had never occu pied with ting or constable or a Ciimv dlan subject even a ennoe they reconcile thU ciultu with th ir pusitiun iu the eoinmission In spo to referring the boundary ipu tiou to urbltrntioii remains to be explain ed to the British government There ems little prospect of adjustment of the boundary question if it is left to the con trol of the Canadians" ALBANY May Tbere has en aueh a largo demand for eoplev of the new franchise tax law from ta of ficials of the various states throughout the Union that Secretary Youngs has had copies of th law mid th govern ir's mes sage bearing on th subject bound to gether In pamphlet from In i nett roceis' cover The he will mq to ptftitt whs bgva for Uta icrw and then Decree i lu ire sno ni vnney gorge and leu the dying Brincc Albert to askgotne one to sing "Rock of Agrs" I tel! you that the worst attempted crime of the century Is the attempt to destroy this book Yet Infidelity loath sorne stcncltful leprous pestiferous rotten monster strelchei out its hand ichorous with the second death to tcL'e the hand of this republic It stretches it out thnugh seductive magazitie I nd through lyeeutn lectures and through caricatures of religion Itnsks for all that part of the continent al ready fully ettled and the two thirds Lot yet occupied It says: "Give me nil east of the Mississippi with the keys of the church and with the Chris tian printing presses Then giro me Wyoming givejne Alaska give air Montana give me Colorado give me all the states west of the Mississippi ami I will take those placesand keep them by right of posseyston long before th Gw 1 I tlu And presses hl case ajw palllngly Shall th banns of that mar riage be proclaimed? say the Inline missionaries of the west a mar tyr band of whom the world Is not worthy' toiling a dd fatigues and ma laria and starvation not if we can help It Uy what we and our chil dren have suffered we forbid the banns of that "No!" say nil patri otic voices institutions were bought at too dear a price and re de fended at too great a saeriilee to be so cheaply surrendered" God of Bunker Hill and independence hall and Gettysburg "I did not start this cry 10010 voices land not be But there is anol iter suitor that pre sents his claim for the hand of this re public He is mentioned In rse following my text where it says: "As the bridegroom rejolceth over the bride so shall thy God rejolee over It is not my figure It is the figure the Bible Christ is so des! rotis to hnve this world love Him tluit He stops nt no liu lulliiition of simile He compares His grace to spittle on the eyes of the blind man He com purrs Himself to a hen gathering the chickens and in my text lie compares Himself to a suitor beg ging a band in marriage Does this Christ 'ho King deserve this land? Be hold hall and the insulting ex pectoration on the face of hrist hold the Calvtirenn massacre and awful hemorrhage of five wounds cob served 14 years for Rachel Christ my Lord the King suffered in torture 33 years to win the love of this world As often princewes nt their very birth are pledged in treaty of marriage to princes or kings of earth so this na tion at its birth was pledged to Christ for Divine marriage Before Columbus and his 120 men em barked on the Santa Maria the and the Nina for their wonderful voy age what wus the Inst thing they did? They sat down and took the holy sac rament of the Lord Jesus Christ After they caught the firsbslght of this coun try and the gun of one ship had an nounced it to the other vessels that land had been discovered what was the sungflint went up from ail ths three decks? in After Columbus and his 120 men had stepped from the deck to the solid ground what did they do? They all knelt and oon aecrated the new world to God What did the Huguenots do after they landed In the Carolinas? What did the Hol land refugees do after they landed its New York? What did the pilgrim fathers do after they lauded in New Rnglaud" With bended knee and up lifted face and aveu besieging prayer they took possession of thiv continent for Gud IIuw was tlie first American congress opened? By prayer in the name of Jesus Christ rom its birth this nation was pledged fur holy mar riage 1th Christ Anti then see how good God has been to us! Just open the map of the con tinent and see bow it is measurable prospsritiev rivers mor in number i than auy other land rolling down on tUfldc UdoUu5fwAyUUja midnight savagery until this tudrals of a rtlBtagcrte of tigers rattlesnakes and Tilts only impulse in the direc i timber limits in thnt province with the privili ge cutting lugs and exporting them to th United State Th previa elul jrorenitntmt after giviag them their leases ami taking their money into the treasury pi)M a dei rec prohibiting the export of such logs with the renlt of causing siiiii buukrupteie iu Mu bigan During the eions of the eomndsHton th same pevuliitr idea uf intfruatnuml justice wa exhibited in another provfae I uf British UolumhlH tim it was the uihiiug interests that were tu vol'ed The aiitlviiuies of that province took the niotiey of the American miners who a mud the diamireriv of grdrt'tllowed them to spend thousands of dol lar In const rucl lug roadway to the i scene of their interests and then pro epeded rhitnge their law to confine si! snh mining to British subject and Hriiih corporation such iustaneo of thl kind of practice wo'kd out to America it uurteivnwu They had tulton eonim ts to sipply eei tain 3tmks tu the Caua of payment General Brooke gave the ful so affluent that it has many suitors toder for ji'iiiting and Senor Domingo I nilll it will depend much upon vour nd Lnii1ivv i 4 I I vice whether this or thht shall be ao cepted or rejected In the first place I remark: There is a greedy all ghisp box "the legislative hall the congres 3 i i i 1 sionm Rssi'inuiT wuui iwko luia land and divide it up or rather di vide it down It would give ns mm to the idler a vto the worker to the bad as to the good Nihilism! Thia pan ther having prowled across nt her lands has set its paw on our soil and it re only waiting tor the time lit which to spring upon its prey It was nihilism that burned the railroad property at redeiik William McKay Holliday (ie( nt ids home in Winchester yesterday aged 71 years ilo wire born in Winches ter graduated from the academic de piirtnient of Yale nnd took tlib lnw course at the University of Virginia When the civil wat broke out lie wire practicing law but Immediately entered the service of his nntlvei state Ho rose to tlie colonelcy of a regiment in the Stonewall brigade and lost an arm at Slaughter Mountain He was elected governor of Virginia on the Democratic ticket in 1877 His term extended through one of the most exciting periods Of the Virginia debt agitation nnd his nilmitdsti ntion was not ranked as a suc cessful one The Dnhlgrcn Iiinnehed Me Muy torpedo bout Dnldgren was launched at the Huth lion Works yesterday afternoon Three attempts tnnde previous to this time to get the vessel oil the ways failed const ruction or the thorizeil by cotigreiw in the net passed uniie in i siu ana signed will) the BiiiJi Iron works Oct (J of the same year Tlie contract price for tlie hull and mm binary excltreivn of ord nance mid mittit is 1000 The boat Is Li2 feet inng 1(1 feet 41 Inches ex treme brendtli nnd has draft of feet inelies nnd a displacement of lull tons day afternoon into the province f'l'imu' who are claiming the hand of this re del Rio to announce the places and dates i public This land is so fair so of payment General Brooke gave the ful so affluent that it hsis many suitors Mendez Capote secretary of government sent special messengers to affix the no tices in prominent pla' es General Pedro Delgado commanding the Citloyi: forces iiromui inij iy ead ro 'd Jiis ineii together told thetu'tbej' ie disnanded and ordered them to take their arms and go home Of the 200 some 30 who were mounted on ponies said they would ride to Havana and get their itiun ey Therimpon Delgado who was for merly a notorious bandit called upon tlie rest to draw up in line rind to shoot itny man who took the road to Havana Tie 30 mounted men gloomily dispersed They will have an opportunity to receive their shares later 'r '1 sighing the1 hand of this republic anti that monster is known by the name of monopoly His scepter is made out of the rail track and the wire of teleg raphy He does everything for his own advantage and for the robherv of the people Things went on from bad to' until in the three legislatures of New York New Jersey ami Psnnsyl vania for a long time monopoly decided everything If monopoly favor a law it passes if monopoly oppose a lawit I during the great riots it is rejected Monopoly stands in the 1 railroad depot putting into his pockets In one year $200000000 in excess of all reasonablechargesfor services Monop i oly holds in his one hand the stenm Jiower of locomotion and in the other the electricity of swift communication Monopoly has the republican party In one pocket and the democratic party in tlie other pocket Monopoly decides nominations and elections city elec tions state elections national elec tions With bribes he secures the votes of legislators giving (hem free passes giving appointments to needy rela tives to lucrative positions employing them as attorneys if they are lawyers carrying their goods 15 per cent less if they are merchants and if he find a case very stubborn as well as very important puts down before him the hard ensh of bribery But monopoly is not so easily caught now' as when during the term of Mr Bitchannn the legislative committee in one of our states explored nnd exposed tlie manner in which a certain railway coniprny had obtained a donation of public hind It was found that 13 of Hie senators of that state received $175 000 among them 60 members of the lower house of thnt slate received be tween $5000 and $10000 each the gov ernor of that state received $50000 his clerk received $5000 tlie lieutenant governor received $10000 all the clerks of tlie legislature received $5000 each while $50000 was divided among the lobby agents That thing on a larger Tor smaller scale Is all the time goingon I in some of the states of the union but it is not so blundering as it used to be nnd therefore not so easily exposed or arrested I tell you thnt the overshad owing curse of the United States to day is monopoly lie puts hfs hnnd Upon every bushel of wheat upon every Suck of salt upon every' Ion of coal and every mutt woman and child in the United States feels the touch of that moneyed despotism I rejoice that in 24 states of the lion already anti mo nopoly leagues liave been established Gud speed them iu the work of Jibern i tlon 1 have nothing to say against capi I talists a man hits a right to all tho money lie run nmke honestly I have nothing Io say against corporations ns sitidi without them no great enter prise would bit piresible but what I do say is that the tamc principles are to be applied tn en pita li at and to cor porations Hint are applied to the poor est man nnd the plainest laborer What la rong for me is wrung for gri a cor poration I take from you your property without nny adequate com pensation lama thief and If railway dwofes tlie juoportjr of the peonle' SnHor Murdered SAN HRANCISUO Muy 30 The steii inti' Chinn from Hongkong Yoko hama and Honolulu lu inas news of the rnmib of named George Ryan lieu Milolos ills fi i gli fully luiitilnti'd body was found April 27 hrelied to a nift limiting in tile river Jildge ry of llmt ululu has passed sentence utt throe of the Japanese ri In the riot which tuck 'luce on tho Kaliukl plnntn tlon mm time ago when several Chinese were killed (me maii wns sentenced to hang in August another to serve 20 ieiira ut hard labor u4 tuothw to irvt njwi Hon Hint this orld half ever hud hae from the Bible ft the moth er ut Roman law ond of healthful Juris prudence That booh hag been the ruother of nl reform and all charities of English magnn chartiwnnd Airericnn Declarntion of Independence Benjamiif UrnnUir holding that holy bonk in his hand stood before ah Infi del club In Paris and read tn themotrt of the proj hectire of Habakkuk and the Infidels not knowing what book it was declared it wa the lieat poetry they hint ever Iread at book brought BUEUALO May 30 A severe rain and wind storm pnssed over Buffalo and vicinity yesterday afternoon causing con siderable damage to property and injury to Jiumbcr of people In this city a foot smoke slack at tlie works of the Buffalo Cast Iron company was blown over nnd in falling it crushed in the wall of tlie foundry building An drew Riedle nnd Valentine Hahn work men in the fouiidi'v were probnbly fatal ly injured nnd others were slightly hurt At Lockport tlie grand stnml at the Lake avenue lisill grounds was wreck ed I taniol Tnolhill 14 years old was fa tally injured and two other boys named Albert Murphy and Mharkcy painfully injured Reports from Tonawnnda Jamestown and other places report damage in tlie way of trees nnd out notiscs mown down and signs torn down struck by lightning in outlying districts MafiKTacturea Look at th great range of mountain timbered with wealth on the tup and sides metaled with wealth underneath On hundred and eighty thousand square miles of coal One hundred and ughty thousand square miles of iron The land so contoured that extreme weather hardly ever lasts more than three days extreme heat or extreme cold Climate for the most part brae lug and favorable for brawn and brain All fruits all minerals all harvest displaying an autumnal pa geantry that no land on earth pretends to rival No South American earth quakes No Scotrh'raists No Undon fogs No Egyptian plague No Cer mauio divisions The people of the United States are happier than any peo ple ou earth It I the testimony of every man that hu traveled abroad for the poor more ayuithy for the industrira mope opportunity Oh how good Gai was to our fathers and how good he has been to us and to our chil dren To blessed be His mighty ttatne tu Him of cross nnd triumph to Hitn who still reinenibera the prayer of the Huguenot and Holland refugees and the pilgrim hthers to Him shall this land Im married Oh you Christian patriot by your contributions and yonr prayer hasten on the fulfillment of the text I from the dying Infidelity proposes to swear in the preshRnt of the United Staten and' the supreme court and tho governor of slate and the witnesses in Ute courtroom with thrir right hand on of or Vol of It I tft fair Sips ht i 4 UVU IUJ QUUHUJ tlie Iook that makes the difference be i tween the United Stores and the king IIBHMEN May At an extramxH nary meeting of the vockholder of the North German IJvyd Steamship compa ny held here yeterdiy it was de ided Ini teas the capital from fitiOmi ik mark to markt Herr Blate president of the company after referring to the Increase In the company's rcvipt I un the tiiciire of ire said that 1 1 ginning with June I at tin th jatiwrnite fare to New York city would be HX marks by the xpr mail steanv or and murks by the ordinary mail Steamer The steerse fare by mall steamers tn Baltimore ill be 140 mark tiire of pulke poinrimc nut that there Ini I been a confirelim of Dr is with utlieni of th Klliiu name who hud been nilxi'l up with nnbhig iud JirvtnLle feillllle SSrtiH'irltu The latrer report were pndu'd nt tlie tun! Ballot Beaupre then pointed nut that Dreyfus euuld not liav acted as trniior from anger or disappointment as he liad tho finest prospect of an excel lent military career on the other hand the ruHrter alleged soldier of fortune nlway bvgaing from th inmu lender the reporter read written by Eaterhazy abusing rance and the rench army these pruducing deep Impression open the nuJIenrn Ho re ferred to a letter written by sterhajy to Baron Rothschild dated Jun 21 181)4 to'the effect that If his application tor money were refused he would have uo re wurc but to kilt bl family and then to commit suleidv Such ald the reporter was language on the eve of the date when th brderenu was The Inference to be drawn wv thnt Esterhazy sought in treason re sources neresanry to carry on a life of di odpntlm At tiffs point with the svid nt approval of all who listened Ballot Benn pre quoted from statement us follow: "Altbongb jiidlco bus te en rendered more or lea Impotent with regard to Es terhazy by th acquittal of the charge of being the author of th borde reau It Is none the the duty of tho supreme court to restore to liberty an Innocent man unjustly condemned" Prior to the adjournment Ballot lleanpre rend a letter from the British general Tnllxd who in 1804 wa attach ed to the British embassy in Paris recti fying the deposition of General Mamni de Galiifot This totter reached Ma zentt through diplomatic chumwD In It General Talbot anlfi rltrtt Marquis i GnI'ifot had misinterpreted his words ns he ha never had personal re lations with Etgrhaiy in the way of espionage but had simply heard that Es to chary's character was well known to the foreign military attaches The court adjonracl at half past fl when very few of the public yet remain ed in th vicinity VeedeJ Him "I must send them all circulars ex claimed the man ho was addressed by his acquaintances ns professor men who have testified In tho Investi gation ought to know about me" business are you in?" "I have a new system of netnvry Washington Star Caaf ion S'Mworn Drey tue Iu Ui iteport PARIS May It I sbsolntely cee toiri that the Court Of cassation will adopt the vtw of Bailot Besopr Che president of the criminal division fa Soring revision Of the trial ot Drejf'is In jstll and ordering a new court mar tial There are precedent where court have rendered judgment In direct opt' sitioB to the conehsd of the reporter appointed to inquire into and pas an opinion upon the evidence In th ee The jnvemnient will take step tol the return of Itreyfu to 1'rarv nntiU the judgment of the court of csrutteii I pronoaneetL Should tlie court order a new trial the (tame of pmt st which the prisoner will fii em bark will remain a profound secret Up on his arrival Dreyfus will immedi ately hsuletl over to the military au thorities The general feeling In Pari among the partisan ami opponent of Dteyf ia alike is that of relief Ills partisans are confident of bis acquittal and hi oppo nent cre rejotring at the prospect that the last word in the matter will ba ft the mditary There an no sign ut exriteurent in tho city but a special mrettng of the cabinet was held yester day to decide upon measures of precau tion in ease of troubl arising In the court nr in parliament The pruurding cun urn need at noun ntiud profound silence tho pro i imt of th rii 11 section of th court reading hi report in the ra After i ajling the eunilitlmi under which the proeutim Drejf'i was Instituted In toDI leatt with tlie contradictory evidence of the I'Micrt in huudwritln and owntlened the protest inno re by Dreyfus who said to IJ iit uaut Colonel IL uiy nreusitlnn Is th' de itb of my 11f 1 must have jutiv dfue me" Henry replied thuf th imip Jul it uia within Id competence After rea Hua 51 rhaid' defense wbhh mtriutol by mamtmntng that th uiririrou Jld at" i tu lasrfiarvau and the moral evidetn a out during the Inquiry pointed hot tu Dn vfu but 1 i vv a the culprit Hitlint Beaupre dtait with th question of nt tire II rend th" police report rnrnihel by Gnenvu the detective ad unfavore A A 0 Wlllioul making nny rib'dimti conjpen A jNAUVj t(i0n that to auntie theft Mbnt is wrong on a small scale i wrong on a large scale Monopoly In England has ground hundred of thousand of her beat people into senilriarva'irtnand in Ire land has driven multitudinous tenants almost to madness nnd tn the United Stator proposes to take the wealth of 6OGO003ff or 70000 OTO of 1 pie and put it in a few silken wallets tioti of jtohomey between American 1 Monopoly brazen faced Iron fin elvitahtion and Itornestan rannitMltatf sc red utture heurted monopoly of jjf Infidelity could destroy th ftorip fer his hand to this republic Jia turre It wmiltl In 203 years turn the i streti he it out over the lakes and up rivliteti nations back' to temibarbav I th rrsat rettrod rt is from nnbarbartom Into I graph poles oJ the ccutfucnt and aya: roTHE VIRGINIA GAZHTTE here for share in (lie Atm rlean gratui ty have effectually killed off the oppo sition to the re eiit of the bounty by privates In American military i it is considei that a line start has been nmde and that the opposition is defeated 1 Tlii'cc hundred private arrived during the day to apply for payment bat thongb Lieutenant Colonel George AL I It uidnll of the Eighth United States in 1 fnutrv thfr fit 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I i 1 1 if me uwinnuDon lp'it Kepi nw onice open' from JO a 111 to 5 111 only 112 could be paid during that interval iU etjcii nian! took up several minute Many who brought arms were not on tlie rolls at all 1 Ninety nine rille were surrendered most of the applicants declining to take any ehaiire 1: turning the weapon over to the mayor of Iliivatia evidently believ ing it would be better to give them di rect to the American All day it was virtually Impossible to get through tin front door of the ofiiee mues uie aentrv di areu the wav 1 Cuban idlieer who on the first day tried to discoui'Kge any who were disponed tn' apply finding now that the tide of feel I ihg lias turned are offering all tlie as 1 siatance possible to Colonel At there been until June extra This morning the pay car Avill leave carrying niyney Colonel Riinilall bis es cort a physician and the paymasters One thousand posters were sent yester etcuts in eonneetlon with the payment i of aonie of the perils that threaten our of the Cuban troops entitled to apply American institutions and point out tlia path of safety text Isaiah 62:4: land shall be married" As the greater Includes tho less so does the circle of future joy around our entire world include the epicycle of our own republic Bold exhilarant unique Divine iniegoi of the text At the close of fl week in which for four days our national capital was a pageant nnd all that grand review and bannered proce sjon and national anthem could do celebrated pence it may not be inapt to anticipate the fin'e when the Drince of Peace and the heir of universal domin ion shall tnke possession of this nation and land shall be in discussing the firm 1 destiny of this nation it makes nil the dHTerenc in the world whether we are on the way to a funeral or a wedding The Bible leaves no doubt on thl subject In pulpits The and on platform and in place of pub lic concourse 1 hear so many of the muffled drums of evil prophecy sound ed as though we were on the way to na tional interment and besides Thebes and Babylon and Tyi in the cemetery of dead nations our republic was to be nnder was nihilism that slew black people in our northern cities during the war i it was nihilism that mauled to death the Chinese immigrants years ago It is ni hilism that glanw out of the windows of the drunkeries upon sober people us they go by Ab its power has never yet been tested I pray God Its power may never be fully tested It would if it had the power leave every church chapel cathedral schoolhouse nnd col lege in ashes Let me say it is the worst enemy of the laboring classes in any country The honest cry for reform lifted by op pressed laboring men is drowned out by the vociferation for anarchy The criminals and the vagabonds who range through our cities talking about their rights when their first right isthepen itcntlarv if they could be hushed up and th(f downtrodden laboring men iff this country could be heard there would be more bread for hungry cliil dren In this Ignd riot and bloodshed never gained any wages for the people or gathered up any prosperity In this land the best weapon is not the club not the slullalah not firearms but the ballot Let not our oppressed laboring men be beguiled to coming under the bloody banner of nihilism It will make your taxes heavier your wages smaller your table scantier your chil dren hungrier your suffering greater Yet this nihilism with feet red of slaughter comes forth and oilers its hand for this republic Shall thebanffs be proclaimed? If so where shall tlie marriage altar be and who will be theofficiating priest and what will be the music? That altar will have to white with bleached skulls the officiat ing priest must be a dripping assassin the music must be the smothered groan of nmltitmliuoiis victims the garlands must be twisted of night shade the fruits must be the apples of Sodom the wino must be the blood of St Bart holo mnssaore No! It is not to ni hilism tlie sanguinary monster that this land is to be married Another suitor for the hand of this nation is infidelity When themidnlght ruffians despoiled the grave of A Ku wart in Nt churchyard ev erybody was shocked hut infidelity proposes something worse than that the robbing of all tin craves of Chris tendum iu the hope of a resurrection It proposes tu chisel out from tlie tomb stones of your Cliristiim dead the word "Asleep iu Jesus" and substitute the words "Obliteration Infidelity proposes to take the letter Hom tile world's ather inviting tho nations to virtue and happiness nnd tear it tip Into fragments so small that you cannot read a word of It It pro I pose to take the consolation from ths broken hearted and th xouthlxur ulUow the conclusion tif tlie work were more than 2'Xl who had not heard These will linve to wait entombed that I wish you to after the return of tl11 pay car on stand it is not to be obsequies but nup In when (here will probably bcjtials not mausoleums but carpeted altar not cypress but orange blos soms notreqijiem but wedding march for land shall be I propose to name some of the suitors.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.