This would be the best boss in the entire game but his dagger attack alone drops him down to being the worst boss in the game. (2024)

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  1. 2 days ago



    >best boss in the entire game
    That would be CHADkard

    • 2 days ago



      kino fight

    • 2 days ago




    • 2 days ago



      What's fun about Rykard? It's all show and no substance. He just throws a constant torrent of sh*t at you while you smack him with his gimmick weapon.

      • 2 days ago



        Hilarious throwback to yellow peril by the English VA given no direction.

      • 1 day ago



        the whole fight is a huge spectacle
        that's way better and memorable than another sweat fest
        souls games should be about the map, not the bosses
        this is the biggest mistake elden ring makes

    • 1 day ago




    • 1 day ago



      ? Rytard is a sh*t fight. Divine Dragon is the only good spectacle fight from has ever done. The skull phase of Rytard is mandatory run in a circle for 45 seconds of thumb up your ass gameplay. My working theory is Rytard exposes players who played ER as their first fromsoft game and thought the fight was novel.

    • 1 day ago



      The best boss (and character) is Godrick.

    • 1 day ago



      When skulls start flying at you and music ramps up...kino

  2. 2 days ago



    which dagger attack are you talking about?

    • 2 days ago



      The one he uses to follow up his attacks with if you try to run in and punish them. It literally comes out faster than the human brain is biologically capable of reacting to.

      • 2 days ago



        This would be the best boss in the entire game but his dagger attack alone drops him down to being the worst boss in the game. (6)

        >It literally comes out faster than the human brain is biologically capable of reacting to.

        • 2 days ago



          It's an objective fact, look it up. Average human reaction time to a visual stimulus is 0.25 seconds, the start up animation for his dagger attack is shorter than this.

          • 2 days ago



            anon, you have to antici

          • 2 days ago



            ye, but YOU know this attack already - just press the button 0.25 seconds faster than before, lol

            or just double roll before attacking, instead of once

            also it does no dmg

          • 2 days ago



            If that specific dagger comes out you fricked up.
            He does this wonkly 'oh look at me I'm vulnerable' thing to bait you and you're taking the bait like a moron instead of circling around or waiting it out.

            I can't actually tell if this thread is bait or if you have the IQ of baked beans, so good job I guess.

            • 2 days ago



              >dodging the boss's attack and going in for a punish on his recovery animation, the basic tactic you've been taught to use since DS1, is fricking up and should be punished
              Fricking why?

          • 2 days ago



            you are a subhuman Black person moron and you don't even know
            you will probably never know

          • 1 day ago



            Heavy attack with hyper armor would make a good trade against such weak dagger. Also, if his wombo-combo is too hard for you he has one jumping attack that leaves him with very big opening.

            • 1 day ago



              >Also, if his wombo-combo is too hard for you he has one jumping attack that leaves him with very big opening.
              And if you keep a large enough distance from him, you can increase the odds of him doing this move significantly. Almost forcing it.
              So if you just run away to the edges of the arena over and over and punish his giant jump move again and again. You'll win. Even if you aren't even good at the game.

              And the best part is that players can find this out easily and organically by just playing cowardly.

              • 1 day ago


                Manipulating AI to have them use one easily punishable gap closing move over and over in order to bypass the fight mechanics is incredibly lame and should never be the solution to a boss

              • 1 day ago


                Be that as it may. It does mean that Margit is a very easy bossfight. And I genuinely wonder why it isn't more common knowledge.
                It's not as if it's a difficult pattern to realize.

          • 1 day ago



            >15 frame reaction time
            Go get an alzheimer's diagnosis

            • 1 day ago



              Go get a moron diagnosis, that's objectively the average reaction time.

            • 1 day ago



              You aren't reacting to hellsweep moron, stop pretending you reacted when you win a 50/50

      • 2 days ago



        he'll use it when his free hand is raised and you go attack him.

      • 2 days ago



        >It literally comes out faster than the human brain is biologically capable of reacting to.
        It's highly telegraphed bait that you aren't supposed to challenge from the front.
        He actually, like, menacingly waves his hand around to make it obvious, it's SO telegraphed.
        You might actually be moronic?

      • 2 days ago



        It's to teach you for the rest of the game to learn enemy patterns and recognizing when to punish and when to be patient
        Margit is literally the tutorial for enemy patterns and also to push you to go explore the open world

      • 2 days ago



        If you stand in front of him (without backing off) and let him do the dagger attack you can punish him pretty hard after. Also as the other anon said if you look at his model he's standing with his hand open ready to strike before doing that attack, so you can figure out when he can do that by looking at him.

      • 2 days ago



        >The one he uses to follow up his attacks with if you try to run in and punish them
        Most bosses in ER does this and its fricking obnoxious, not fun.

      • 2 days ago



        This would be the best boss in the entire game but his dagger attack alone drops him down to being the worst boss in the game. (7)

        Ah you're pretending to be moronic.

      • 2 days ago



        >Knows the boss will use a punishing move if he runs in to "punish"
        >Can't think of how to use this knowledge to avoid said damage

        • 2 days ago



          Ok so when the frick am I supposed to punish him safely if not after he does a big attack and is in his recovery animation? You know, the way these games have been teaching you to punish bosses since King's Field?

          • 2 days ago



            Anon, he's not vulnerable, it's bait. He's not at the end of a combo leaving him vulnerable, he's purposefully leaving himself open so you'll run in just to get smack with a dagger as he evades. Morgotts entire boss design reflects his character. He seeks to punish his foes for their arrogance and ambition.

            • 2 days ago



              So what is the end of his combo? Seems to me like they continue infinitely depending on player input and position.

              • 2 days ago


                After he finishes his trick, which you can dodge through to true punish him, or you can block it. Avoid sprinting at him, rely on attacks during his wind ups mid combo, not trying to punish him at the "end" of a combo.

              • 1 day ago


                Idk about margitt but morgott can literally have infinite combos when you know how to position. just search "Morgott infinite combo" oj YouTube, some guy extended it for three minutes until he got bored.

            • 1 day ago



              >He's not at the end of a combo
              They never are and that's the design issue
              Fromsoft have done enemies with potentially endless sequences before but those sequences are very easily broken by just rolling past them to a new angle. This doesn't apply to Morgott, who daggers people rolling around his side.

          • 2 days ago



            >literally the first big boss in the game
            >anon refuses to learn anything new
            you're never gonna make it little guy

            • 2 days ago



              I've beaten the entire game three times. I still think Malenia has less bullsh*t in her kit than Morgott.

      • 2 days ago



        Enemies in this game read your inputs and frame trap you. Once they finish a long combo and it’s finally your attack, bam, they slap you with some quick hit. I watched
        >dodge malenia’s thrusting attack
        >roll attack
        >instant waterfowl

      • 1 day ago



        do you guys make threads like these to get sympathy? or are you just gluttons for punishment?
        cause nobody ever agrees with you
        you're just going to get 150 replies of "you suck" and you deserve it
        you deserve it for being a whiny c**t
        how is anyone going to take a comment like this: and not look at you as anything but a punk b***h?
        it's not humanly possible?
        you're talking to a group of people who easily overcame the thing you're b***hing about multiple times
        jesus christ, kid, grow a pair

        • 1 day ago



          OP is correct and posts like his are a form of honest trolling/sincere trolling. It's being 100% genuine but also knowing that you cn upset people like you with it who take offense to someone just beign vulnerable and honest for once. I do it all the time and it's way more fun than being a cynic/ironic sh*tposter all the time

        • 1 day ago



          >you're talking to a group of people who easily overcame the thing you're b***hing about
          I would bet good money that nobody in this thread is able to cleanly and consistently deal with Morgott's entire moveset. You "overcame" it by just getting hit and carrying on swinging to brute force it with excessive health and damage. Your "no hit kills" will be 20 second long gambling speedruns where you have far more damage than is necessary and just reset until the 3-4 interactions necessary to kill him go your way.

          • 1 day ago



            Tbh if you just power level your hp he kinda becomes a joke of a fight (like 95% of the bosses in er). On top of sh*tty balance due to open world being a meme, ER just has a sh*tty design philosiphy in heneral when it comes to attacks, the ones that essentially boil down to trial and error. You get smacked by the dumb delayed attack with several roll bait twitches that has the boss holding their weapon in the air for 10 seconds because the actual attack comes out so fast that its near impossible to dodge on reaction, or you get caught up in the 360 aoe spin to win blender. I really dont know wtf they were thinking with the bosses in er. I coasted through the game, mohg was the only one that gave me trouble and felt like an actual well designed boss with actual openings, rot woman was wierd because everything outside of her dumb aoe weeb cyclone felt like it came out of das3 and was really fair, but damn that one single attack ruins her fight. When i learned you could just frost pot her to cancel that attack it became a fun fight

            • 1 day ago



              >You get smacked by the dumb delayed attack with several roll bait twitches that has the boss holding their weapon in the air for 10 seconds because the actual attack comes out so fast that its near impossible to dodge on reaction
              Those moves allow shield chads to regain all of their stamina to block and guard counter when the hit finally arrives.

            • 1 day ago



              Mohg was the best, he is one of the few where I actually enjoyed the boss fight, I agree with you on the most stuff. Malenia's biggest problem for me is her lifesteal, it's just a sh*tty gimmick to prolong the fight.

      • 1 day ago



        >Fromsoft finally makes positioning essential again
        >Ganker got filtered by it
        No wonder ogre filtered you hom*osexuals.

  3. 2 days ago



    Honestly that one three hit punish that ends with the staff thrusting into the ground is more annoying

    • 1 day ago



      That one is legitimately just bullsh*t

  4. 2 days ago



    The dagger does like zero damage

    It’s a good tutorial move, let you know there’s going to be some bullsh*t that’s hard to dodge but just chip damage

  5. 2 days ago



    Honestly even after beating the game I still think Margit is the dumbest boss. He was clearly overtuned at the last minute because the developers were worried players would just bumrush Stormveil and not try to explore at all. A valid concern but they went about it the wrong way.

  6. 2 days ago



    I can parry nearly every move Malenia has consistently but Morgott? I'll be lucky if I land one parry on him the entire fight and if it does happen it's basically a fluke. Why the frick is this?

    • 1 day ago



      Yeah his timing is so fricking whack. Doing a parry run on him was a pain in the ass.

  7. 2 days ago



    just level up your character and tank him up, it's that easy

    entire fricking game is easy, the only problematic boss Malenia since she wrecked your summon in 0.1 sec after 2nd phase starts

    too bad you can summon other players and beat the sh*t out of her in 1st try anyway

  8. 2 days ago



    This would be the best boss in the entire game but his dagger attack alone drops him down to being the worst boss in the game. (8)

    >best boss in the entire game
    low bar

    Soulsborniro has some great bosses but Elden Ring doesn't

    • 2 days ago



      Anyone who doesn't believe Malenia is the greatest boss across all From Soft games obviously just got filtered by her and are eternally butthurt about it.

      • 2 days ago



        Nah, Malenia would be great if she was a Sekiro boss but in Elden Ring she's too reliant on her health regen and water fowl. 90% a fantastic boss but her few gimmicks really drive home how passive the game can force the player to be unless they're willing to take massive unnecessary risks. Unless you've learned the perfect dodge timing and placement for the first attack and then the parry/running timing for the second half, Waterfowl is pretty much an instant kill if you played with any level of aggression and put yourself out of position instead of taking your designated two hits and then backing away from her, which feels really lame.

        She's less fun than bosses like Morgott, Mohg and Godfrey whose punishing moves for being greedy are less extreme than Waterfowl.

        • 2 days ago



          >Unless you've learned the perfect dodge timing and placement for the first attack and then the parry/running timing for the second half, Waterfowl is pretty much an instant kill
          Just block it lmao. I don't know why people get so easily scared by the healing that they totally abandoned their shields altogether. The most reliable way to deal with waterfowl is to block the first volley and then the following two volleys are easy as frick to dodge. The healing she gets from you blocking the first volley is frick all.

          • 2 days ago



            Sure. Choosing to turtle is still passive. Or you could just not do that and not drag out the fight, and that solution is not helpful in phase 2 when even blocked attacks inflict scarlet rot. It's just far more effective to just limit how many times you attack and then back up. Just as safe with no healthy given and no risk of her sneaking past your dodgebox due to any of her leaps putting her through and behind you.

            • 2 days ago



              It's not turtling to block one part of one attack. You complain the attack is hard to dodge but instead of trying different methods to defend against it besides dodging you just whine and call it unfair. The scarlet rot build up you get from blocking one volley of phase 2 waterfowl is not enough to proc rot on you. I have fought Malenia multiple times with a fat rolling sword and shield build primarily using blocks and parries rather than dodging to deal with her attacks and it was the most fun I've ever had fighting Malenia.

              • 2 days ago


                I didn't complain the attack was hard to dodge or unfair, it's incredibly simple. But to do so more safely and reliably you benefit most by choosing not to be aggressive and measuring your attacks far more carefully than you need to for any other boss, because Waterfowl is such a high damage attack that punishes placement as much as anything, which is atypical for most bosses in Elden Ring outside of weaker attacks like Morgotts daggers. It is only through trial and error that you will come to learn placement and timing to dodge Water Fowl without needing to create distance first. The fundamental problem with Malenia and Watefowl is that she takes you out of the moment of the fight and instead forces you to focus on the mechanics of her fight, and in particular that Specific move, so instead of feeling like a battle, it feels far more reminiscent of an MMO Raid Boss. Fire Giant has a similar feeling but for different reasons.

            • 1 day ago



              This would be the best boss in the entire game but his dagger attack alone drops him down to being the worst boss in the game. (9)

              >and that solution is not helpful in phase 2 when even blocked attacks inflict scarlet rot.
              It wouldnt be an elden ring seethe thread without someone making sh*t up to make themselves feel better.

              • 1 day ago


                But anon this clearly shows that the blocked hits are inflicting scarlet rot on the player.

              • 1 day ago


                did you not watch your own webm?

                I think he meant that you can avoid gaining the rot status, which he does show. But you would get rot if you tried to block all of it.

              • 1 day ago


                did you not watch your own webm?

      • 2 days ago



        This would be the best boss in the entire game but his dagger attack alone drops him down to being the worst boss in the game. (10)

        I beat her and I don't see what all the fuss is about

        Bloodborne and Sekiro have far better bosses

      • 2 days ago



        Malenia would be good without Waterfowl. That move alone makes her the worst boss in the game
        >inb4 filtered
        you should have been filtered in the uterus

        • 2 days ago



          >Unless you've learned the perfect dodge timing and placement for the first attack and then the parry/running timing for the second half, Waterfowl is pretty much an instant kill
          Just block it lmao. I don't know why people get so easily scared by the healing that they totally abandoned their shields altogether. The most reliable way to deal with waterfowl is to block the first volley and then the following two volleys are easy as frick to dodge. The healing she gets from you blocking the first volley is frick all.

        • 2 days ago



          Waterfowl looks cool though. Maybe it does a little too much damage but I'd say it's more so annoying that it in conjunction with her healing it forces the player to take one safe solution over methods they've been playing through the game fine with until then. There are more daring strategies you can pursue, but it's often extreme risk for limited reward, and something safe like Barricade with a Great Shield are safe and full proof but can then heal her for large chunks of her health bar.

        • 1 day ago



          You could block it, use a freeze pot or run, not jsut stand there like a moron

          • 1 day ago



            >You could block it
            She heals when you block, it's also very easy to become vulnerable to the 2nd and 2rd hit. Also not everyone has a maxed out greatshield build
            >use a freeze pot
            Metagaming by looking at online guides, you didn't beat the game
            impossible if you're near her when she starts the animation
            >not jsut stand there like a moron
            Did I post a webm or something? Why would you assume that? moron

            • 1 day ago



              I assume you're moron cause you say moronic, hom*osexual sh*t like "yOu dIdN't bEaT tHe gAmE", sh*t that a moron like you would say

              >block it
              >freeze pot
              not possible for melee users
              any real suggestions?

              >running is not possible for melee users
              Yeah, it's possible for everyone, you fricking dumbass

              • 1 day ago


                >anon doesn't understand irony
                >calls other moronic

            • 1 day ago



              >Also not everyone has a maxed out greatshield build
              You can block with nearly any melee weapon thanks to guard boost, the chip damage is negligible especially considering how much damage and posture damage you can do with a good block counter. Before that though you have to accept that the loss is your fault and not the game's, if you want to win.

          • 1 day ago



            >block it
            >freeze pot
            not possible for melee users
            any real suggestions?

      • 1 day ago



        Isshin is just better in every way.

      • 1 day ago



        She's sh*t.

        When I beat her I used a slow ass weapon, using as little inputs as possible, because she crackhead spams attacks otherwise which will always trade and heal her instead.

        Predictably, she showed very little AI behavior. Giant Hunt spam. Dodge Waterfowl 5x. Down she goes. Boring as sh*t.

        It's not because of her 33k hp, not because of waterfowl, and not because of health regen. Because all of these are SAFE due to her stagger cancel and input reading. She gets hit, and you're punished. The game fricking dares you to hit her back. There's no 'dance' going on. It's just a long ass, one-sided skullfrick and the available methods to win are not satisfying.

        • 1 day ago



          >There's no 'dance' going on
          I think this is a good criticism. A dance implies a back and forth with a balance of offense and defense, while playing consistently and safely in ER while solo without summons involves the player spending 95% of the time on the defensive. Unfortunately changing this would involve admitting that a lot of spells and ashes are overpowered and that balancing around summons is moronic.

          • 1 day ago



            >A dance implies a back and forth with a balance of offense and defense
            This is exactly why I consider Bloodborne's combat to be the best in the formula. The game knows what it wants to be, knows exactly which tools are available to the player because it doesn't have to compensate for the full spectrum of mobility between fast roll spamming and tower shield turtling, and design is overall much tighter and fairer as a result.
            The only really bad fights in Bloodborne are the ones which either aren't fights at all, like Micolash or Living Failures, or which struggle due to technical reasons, like how many dislike Paarl or Amygdala due to how hard the camera and lock-on sh*t the bed in those fights.

          • 1 day ago



            That's why Mohg and something like Placidussy are good bosses, there is constant hit exchange. Margit is almost good if not for his sudden holy dagger or whirlwind.

    • 2 days ago



      The game literally peaks here and it’s sad. It’s such a mess, they completely blow their wad on stormveil

  9. 2 days ago



    >Why does the boss have a punish for when I try to ride his nuts and spam R1 like Dark Souls 1 bosses?!?!
    Margit is a spacing tutorial. If you think you can stay up in his sh*t and rolly polly your way to a W, you'd better be overleveled as sh*t because otherwise he WILL have more stamina than you and he will keep attacking through "your window".

  10. 2 days ago



    The problem aren't quick attacks but how delayed the fricking roll is. 100+ms of roll delay is moronic and all because of using the same button for different actions.

  11. 2 days ago



    Margit gud.

  12. 2 days ago



    This would be the best boss in the entire game but his dagger attack alone drops him down to being the worst boss in the game. (11)

    F O O L I S H tarnished
    O O F
    O F

  13. 2 days ago



    Don't worry, the DLC fixes this.

    • 2 days ago



      imagine being a moronic sounding romanian esl

    • 2 days ago



      Holy seethe lmao

  14. 2 days ago



    This would be the best boss in the entire game but his dagger attack alone drops him down to being the worst boss in the game. (12)

    yeah but FEEEEEET

  15. 2 days ago



    Margit is the best designed boss in all of souls. The definition of tough but fair. He introduces all the aspects of boss fighting for the rest of the game while still being really accessible with big gaps between moves to let the player learn.

  16. 2 days ago



    waterfowl exists to instantly delete you on a blind fight
    thats the whole purpose, you die the first time you fight her

    • 1 day ago



      I won my first fight because I drop my sign before every boss
      I have killed her more times than she has killed me

  17. 2 days ago



    Godrick is the only boss that is actually fun

  18. 1 day ago



    Bloodborne and Sekiro are far better games because the difficulty of those games don't need an internet defence force of coping losers. Elden Ring bosses all read your inputs and punish you with an intentional design of the developers laughing because you thought it was safe. It becomes a matter of manipulating the AI or worse, a damage race where you take inorganic opportunities that look like sh*t when you watch yourself play. The flow of the game sucks ass because it's so concerned in trying to GOTCHA the player so fricking much. Doing a no-hit of Malenia showed me the most egregious example of this when this c**t does multiple waterfowls and feints with a hyper armor combo based on your positioning after her kicks and dodge slash. It's insulting. Doing it again with a Bloodflame Blade Nagakiba where I'm the one frame trapping the frick out of her with one-handed swings just before her attacks come out and delaying it as necessary shows how much it all falls apart. It looked and felt boring.

    • 1 day ago



      Bloodborne and Sekiro bosses both read inputs. You don't remember Genichiro suddenly doing his leap stab attack at you the second you use the healing gourd? He does that every time, it's replicable.

      • 1 day ago



        The input reading in Sekiro and Bloodborne is not anywhere near as aggressive as it is in Elden Ring, and it's because of how the player character is slower than the vast majority of anything threatening, or there's such a great disconnect in what they can do vs. what you can do that it feels off. It works well in Sekiro because you don't even think about it unless you're making mistake after mistake. He does his charged bow attack whenever you try to heal, as well. Rather than it being simply an input read move, it looks more organic as a response because you are fighting as equals. The flow looks, feels and plays right. My complaints have mirror the same complaints from how it was at launch. We're barely evolving past DS3 with jumps, while enemies are evolving far, far ahead of the player, and while I like the challenge, I don't like how unsatisfying it looks and feels. Committing to an animation used to mean something for both the player and the boss.

      • 1 day ago



        It doesn't matter, stop making excuses lol

    • 1 day ago



      I still think Sekiro is too hard for me, but I also get that not all games need to cater to me. I get that it's a "hard but fair" game and I simply don't have the patience to sit through 4+ hours of fighting the same boss just to memorize their entire moveset to finally beat them.
      Elden ring can be straight horse sh*t though. This stupid arms race From has with the elitistic gays who will call their games easy no matter how hard they become is so childish.

      • 1 day ago



        Unironically Elden Ring is the easiest game they've made so far it's just most people who have played the previous games have become accustomed to avoiding the "crutches" of the formyula like blocking, summoing, magic, and other gimmicks that normies and the average player of these games have absolutely no qualms over using. When From designs these games they include these "crutches" not to appease casuals but because it's how they're expecting almost every single player to beat the game except for the select few who like challenge runs. From Software doesn't design these games to be difficult, after all Miyazaki says he balances these games around his own personal ability to beat them and he's a fifty year old man. Do you really think he's not using summons or shields or magic? These games are only given the reputation of being difficult because the community creates this culture of imposed challenges such as not using shields or magic that many players have come to see not as challenges but the inteneded way to play the games.

        • 1 day ago



          That's what people like about it. It's a game where, if you want to really be challenged for once, you got it. And you can make it easy whenever you want.

        • 1 day ago



          >have become accustomed to avoiding the "crutches" of the formyula like blocking, summoing, magic, and other gimmicks that normies and the average player of these games have absolutely no qualms over using
          No, it's because ER enemy design is putrid sh*t where organic and intuitive playstyles are punished and require too much trial and error
          ER is only easy once you use spirit summons and spam the most OP ashes of wars/spells

  19. 1 day ago



    Elden Ring suffers a lot from "a touch too much" in many areas, boss design especially like you said. All bosses have that one thing to them that sets them from good to horrible.

  20. 1 day ago



    >he failed the tutorial
    come on man

    • 1 day ago



      I've beaten him several times because beating a boss in this game has nothing to do with mechanical skill. It has to do with how high your level is, how upgraded your weapon is, and how many flasks you have. Don't forget the RPG part of the ARPG genre. Regardless of how easy overcoming him with sheer stats is that doesn't change how moronic he is mechanically.

      • 1 day ago



        lmao how did you get so mindbroken by the boss that teaches you how the game's mechanics work

        you didn't just flunk the test, you blamed the school for it

        apply yourself

        • 1 day ago



          If I killed the boss that's supposed to test me then I passed the test, dumbass.

        • 1 day ago



          I think Phase 1 is fine, but Phase 2 is kind of bullsh*t

        • 1 day ago



          >the boss that teaches you how the game's mechanics work
          the only thing it taught me is how to explore and level up until the boss becomes a joke
          beat him at lvl 90 btw still no idea what his spastic schizo moveset is btw

      • 1 day ago



        not to mention you can staggerfrick bosses to death which is why jump attack powerstance was so frickin broken or probably still is, just good ol SWING STAGGER SWING STAGGER boss cant do sh*t like its DS1 with zwei all over again

  21. 1 day ago



    The game truly is font loaded with good content, it's wild how hard it falls off after Leyendell or whatever the capital is called. The legacy dungeons are all great, with some of the best level design from has to date, but the open world feels superfluous and this is the only from game I've played where I'm not excited to fight the bosses (barring a few). I'm sure the DLC will be great, and maybe I'm just burnt out on the soul's formula, but I really hope from moves in a new direction going forward. Sekiro and Bloodborne are a breath of fresh air, and elden ring just feels like a step back from that.

    • 1 day ago




  22. 1 day ago



    This would be the best boss in the entire game but his dagger attack alone drops him down to being the worst boss in the game. (13)

    >its another elden ring seethe thread
    Can't wait for these to ramp back up to 20 threads a day when the DLC comes out.

    • 1 day ago



      This would be the best boss in the entire game but his dagger attack alone drops him down to being the worst boss in the game. (14)

    • 1 day ago



      OP look at 1:05 here:
      If you walk up to him here he'll do a dagger attack. But by throwing a dagger yourself instead you avoid that and continue to apply stance pressure, getting a stance break in the process.

      In short skill issue git gud

      • 1 day ago



        Throwing daggers on a strength build does not fit my role play

        • 1 day ago



          Good thing there's like 500 different fricking throwable consumables to choose from in this game.

          • 1 day ago



            Do any scale with strength?

            • 1 day ago



              Yes there are several that do. Fire pots in particular are very strong, although they're slow.

      • 1 day ago



        >But by throwing a dagger
        GG, casual

    • 1 day ago



      This would be the best boss in the entire game but his dagger attack alone drops him down to being the worst boss in the game. (15)


    • 1 day ago



      dayum that counter throwing knife in the face is smooth

    • 1 day ago



      After playing nioh 2 this just looks pathetic and im not talking about the boss. Can fromsoft really not add a little bit more to the combat? Like damn

  23. 1 day ago



    >mini bosses more harder than main bosses
    seriously, frick that guy standing outside the chapel of the deathrot guy

  24. 1 day ago



    My biggest gripe with Margit as a boss is that he is unable to fall out of the arena, the fight would be 10x better this way (and it would be fun to if he drops his lines in reverb after falling out of the arena).

  25. 1 day ago



    yeah he's really unfun to fight. he never stops attacking, I wish bosses had a stamina bar too.

  26. 1 day ago



    never played elden ring, assume it's got the sh*t where boss attacks feel like their attacks' spacing and timing is precisely tuned around your roll distance and timing which takes me right out of it like a developer is slapping me on the hand saying "gotcha!", sekiro was still good because you can basically steamroll enemies by doing all the right stuff, and bloodborne the gotcha-rot hadn't fully set in yet, basically just ludwig with his phase 2 attacks which you wont notice much outside of low level runs and of course, orphan is a bit gotcha-y but at least he's flailing around so much it feels a bit natural

    • 1 day ago



      >i never played it but here's a bunch of sh*t i assume about it
      Wow thanks anon you really contributed a lot of useful insight to this thread.

      • 1 day ago



        no problem

        never played elden ring, assume it's got the sh*t where boss attacks feel like their attacks' spacing and timing is precisely tuned around your roll distance and timing which takes me right out of it like a developer is slapping me on the hand saying "gotcha!", sekiro was still good because you can basically steamroll enemies by doing all the right stuff, and bloodborne the gotcha-rot hadn't fully set in yet, basically just ludwig with his phase 2 attacks which you wont notice much outside of low level runs and of course, orphan is a bit gotcha-y but at least he's flailing around so much it feels a bit natural

        oh yeah and ds3 has a fair amount of gotcharot in enemies and bosses, ds1 and des were best where the devs weren't too savvy about trying to make a challenging game

    • 1 day ago



      >attacks' spacing and timing is precisely tuned around your roll distance and timing

      Yeah quite a lot of those attacks. Always feels disgustingly meta/4th wall breaking. Like the game is reacting to what the player did in past games and this affects the bosses' behavior.
      I'd say they still have a little bit of wiggle room to up the ante again for the next game but the game after that will hit critical mass of """difficulty""" by just trying to catch players on this wierd meta level. They had a good run but I think ER was their magnum opus and the next one will be slightly worse and then they'll start scrambling for innovation, the outcome will make or break fromsoft.

  27. 1 day ago



    Do we really need 60 Vigor for the DLC?

    • 1 day ago



      don't you need that for the main game?

      • 1 day ago



        I beat the game level 80 with 40 vigor and then dumping the rest into arcane

        • 1 day ago



          why arcane?

          • 1 day ago



            Bleed build

            • 1 day ago



              what weapon? been using the bloodhound fang for so long...

              • 1 day ago


                lol, Bloodhound is one of the best you get for the entire game, especially with Bloodflame. I switched over to the Nagakiba when I got to the Atlus plateau.

              • 1 day ago


                people keep comparing it to the drake blade but....
                >can easily be found without any exploit or guides

              • 1 day ago


                This would be the best boss in the entire game but his dagger attack alone drops him down to being the worst boss in the game. (16)

                Try out the Bloody Helice if you haven't. The Ash of War is very fun.

  28. 1 day ago



    fact of the matter is that at least half of ER's bosses and enemies were leftovers from Bloodborne where their frenzied attack patterns actually made sense

  29. 1 day ago



    uchingata, moonveil or meteoric ore? katana bros, help me out here.

  30. 1 day ago



    I'm glad someone else agrees that the boss design only get worse. Margit with the starting toolkit is a more engaging fight than Radagon with your fextralife build

  31. 1 day ago



    i hated mohg the most, his moveset was fine but all the moronic fire sh*t all over the arena that would also inflict bleed for whatever reason really ruined it. Overall, most of the bosses have way too much emphasis put on flashy effects and anime tier bullsh*t, doubt the dlc will be much better, its usually where from cranks it up to 11

  32. 1 day ago



    >decaying ekyzkes whatever
    what were they thinking

    • 1 day ago



      He's weak to every element and super weak to fire.

  33. 1 day ago



    Every fight in Elden Ring is cheesy bullsh*t so I simply cheese every enemy back. It feels like the correct way to play anyway.

  34. 1 day ago



    are things like havel even a thing in this game?

    • 1 day ago



      Closest thing is the Dragon Greatclaw hammer Draconic Tree Sentinel Set, but it looks more like Dragonslayer Armour than Havels.

      The paired great shield is terrible though.

      • 1 day ago



        but like high poise... is a thing here?

        • 1 day ago



          Ya kinda. Not as strong as DS1 but a lot better than DS3.

        • 1 day ago



          The dragon great claw is a cool looking but sub par quality weapon.
          If you want a good club made from the flesh of a great beast you'll want the Falling Star Beast Jaw.
          The ultra high poise armor of the game is the Bullgoat, it looks like sh*t though.

  35. 1 day ago



    This would be the best boss in the entire game but his dagger attack alone drops him down to being the worst boss in the game. (17)

    • 1 day ago



      Never understood if it's supposed to be her swinging at super high speeds or some sort of wind blade bullsh*t.

    • 1 day ago



      Please don't tell me that the spheres are also a hit volume

  36. 1 day ago



    Ok, Jerma, get filtered by the first fricking boss, lol, fricking dipsh*t

  37. 1 day ago



    Margit is pathetically easy. He just punishes players who bullheadedly insist on going right up against him and rolling over and over.
    Even if you suck at the game, if you're a coward enough to run away from him repeatedly. You basically get a free win.

    • 1 day ago




  38. 1 day ago



    Easily one of the best fights in the game. I feel like I cheated myself of a proper challenge with his second encounter because I'd unintentionally overleveled myself before facing him. Brilliant design, makes me think of Sekiro where it's insanely frustrating until it clicks and then suddenly it is fun every time

  39. 1 day ago



    How are people mastering fights like Margit? I beat him before I know how to fight him properly. Do you have saves on PC you can reload to fight him 20 times?
    >I took an unfair hit it’s over!
    You can get 5-6 estus before you fight this guy if you explore Limgrave first. You’re allowed to make a lot of mistakes.

  40. 1 day ago



    This would be the best boss in the entire game but his dagger attack alone drops him down to being the worst boss in the game. (18)

    godskin duo is a better fight than ornstein and smough
    there I said it

    • 1 day ago



      too fast and hectic, but bosses themselves are cool.

    • 1 day ago



      If they had a power up phase depending on who you kill first it would be a perfect adaptation to modern mechanics and movement
      as it is now the godskin quartet+ is just insulting

      The only boss that has been able to work similarly to O&S is Demon Prince and its arena is a little too round for my tastes

    • 1 day ago



      two crucible knight is better than O&S

      • 1 day ago



        They were clearly trying to ape it with the pillar room but no it sucked

  41. 1 day ago



    Oh, and while I'm at it, Father Ariandel should have had a 2nd phase if you kill Friday first.

This would be the best boss in the entire game but his dagger attack alone drops him down to being the worst boss in the game. (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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