THE CRAFT FREEMASONRY - NEWSLETTER RGLE... · Anton Tomaz Linhart was a Slovenian poet, historian, ... • As Aldous Huxley - [PDF Document] (2024)

THE CRAFT FREEMASONRY - NEWSLETTER RGLE...· Anton Tomaz Linhart was a Slovenian poet, historian, ... • As Aldous Huxley - [PDF Document] (1)

Regular Grand Lodge of England News 1



Regular Grand Lodge of England Masonic High Council for England and Wales

Charting the path, in promoting and uniting the Craft, in Britain and across the globe

Speech of the PRO GRAND MASTER of the REGULAR GRAND LODGE of ENGLAND On the occasion of the Consecration of the Regular Grand Lodge of Slovenia

My Dear Brethren All,

As we come towards the final part of 2006 we must reflect on our undoubted successes this year, culminating in the historic Consecration of the Regular Grand Lodge of Slovenia here today. I could not think of a more demonstrative way of showing those who criticise us just how seriously we should be taken, and how seriously we take our Freemasonry.

It is a great pleasure to greet so many of you who have found the time to come here today to assist our Brethren in Slovenia take this very important step. We must congratulate the Grand Master of Slovenia and his Officers for having the foresight and strength of character to undertake this most arduous task of growing and expanding a new Grand Lodge and to them we send all our best wishes and good luck.

THE CRAFT FREEMASONRY - NEWSLETTER RGLE...· Anton Tomaz Linhart was a Slovenian poet, historian, ... • As Aldous Huxley - [PDF Document] (2)

Regular Grand Lodge of England News 2

Once again I am amazed at the number of nations represented by those attending today, most of whom have travelled vast distances to be with us. It is not time however, to just pat ourselves on the back for a job well done. We now have to be even more forward thinking and focus on what we want the end result of our efforts to be. Regular Grand Lodges and Masonic High Councils established the world over, preaching our kind of basic transparent Freemasonry, not just to the world at large, but especially to those brethren who wish to join us in our task but have not yet had the strength to take that final step. It is not always easy leaving a system you know to go to one you don’t know. Therefore it is incumbent upon each and every one of us to ensure that such brethren are better informed and feel that they understand what we are and why they should come and join us. I urge all of you to go back to your different countries and tell everyone what a great day we have had here, culminating in the consecration the Regular Grand Lodge of Slovenia. My administrative officers and their backroom staff are currently working on an information leaflet for distribution amongst members of the public to ensure that there is no confusion about who we are and that the present structure of Freemasonry in England is fully explained. This leaflet will be available to all of you to translate into your own languages for distribution in your countries, but please do remember that the one language we all understand is Freemasonry. My congratulations to all those who worked so hard to make this historic day a great Masonic success and I look forward to seeing you all again and finally, may I personally wish you all a very peaceful and happy Christmas and New Year.

Fraternal Greetings

Pro Grand Master

Lodge ATL – in the Orient of Bled MW Grand Master and Pro Grand Master of the RGLE, Dear Brethren all, today we have concluded our work successfully and with great happiness. We also celebrate with great pride the 250th anniversary of the birthday of Bro Anton Tomaz Linhart, who was born in December 11th ,1756 near the city of Bled in Slovenia. This conference today is dedicated as a birthday present to our very special brother of great spirit and of course, to the Regular Grand Lodge of England. Anton Tomaz Linhart was a Slovenian poet, historian, actor, teacher and one of the greatest leaders of Slovenian enlightenment. Linhart was an exceptionally well educated man who possessed many talents. He decided to put his efforts into unifying Slovenians throughout the region of south central Europe and laid the foundation for forming the then 1 million or so Slovenians into a sovereign state. As a man of free spirit he possessed a great deal of talent in the arts whilst being also endowed with a combination of a razor-sharp intellect and an open approach to reality. As a humanitarian he was against prejudices and ignorance and fought for literacy for all. Our famous brother Mozart wrote the Marriage of Figaro and Linhart, using the same storyline, wrote a book entitled This Happy Day or The Marriage of Maticek. Our lodge, The Lodge ATL, is determined to continue the historical mission of Freemasonry here in Slovenia. We are well aware of the importance of the great symbolism and power of the ritual. We want to continue to work for tolerance, charity, liberty and Masonic Brotherhood at all times. We, the brethren of Lodge ATL, are proud to be a part of a transformation process through spiritual and ethical progress towards Masonic maturity. We believe this process will enable us to strengthen our minds towards the allegiance we owe to Freemasonry and in doing so, to recognise that we are becoming better human beings. WM Lodge ATL

Ljubljana 09.12.6006

THE CRAFT FREEMASONRY - NEWSLETTER RGLE...· Anton Tomaz Linhart was a Slovenian poet, historian, ... • As Aldous Huxley - [PDF Document] (3)

Regular Grand Lodge of England News 3



• 09:00 Arrival of Senior Grand Officers of the MHC, Grand Delegations and other Masonic Jurisdictions of whom we are still awaiting final confirmations.

• The Brethren assembled will clothe themselves in appropriate Masonic Regalia with black tie and white gloves and enter the Temple in due form.

• The Lodge ATL will be opened according to antient custom.

• The lodge will be opened in the 3 degrees of Craft Masonry and the Worshipful Master for the ensuing year, Bro D will be installed in the chair of King Solomon according to antient custom. The Installing Master shall be the MW Pro Grand Master.

• The Worshipful Master will appoint and invest his officers.

• The Pro Grand Master will invest the Senior Grand Officers of the Masonic High Council of Slovenia.

• The Regular Grand Lodge of Slovenia will be consecrated by the Pro Grand Master and his team from the Regular Grand Lodge of England.

• The Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Slovenia, MW Bro D M will appoint and invest his Grand Officers according to antient custom.

• Greetings will be received from visiting delegations

• 12:00 The Grand Lodge will be called off

• 13:30 The Grand Lodge will be called on

• The Grand Secretary of the RGLE will give a report.

• The Grand Inspectors will give their respective reports when called upon to do so.

• Grand Masters present may address the Regular Grand Lodge of Slovenia.

• The brethren will donate from the heart into the charity column.

• Formation of the fraternal chain of union and closure of the Regular Grand Lodge of Slovenia

• To close the Lodge

Thereafter Masonic Agape will be enjoyed by all brethren

THE CRAFT FREEMASONRY - NEWSLETTER RGLE...· Anton Tomaz Linhart was a Slovenian poet, historian, ... • As Aldous Huxley - [PDF Document] (4)

Regular Grand Lodge of England News 4


Opening of the Grand Assembly of the Masonic High Council


Dear Brethren of Slovenia The idea behind Freemasonry and its structures is as a service to the Human Race in helping and assisting it to reach a high social level. The institutions of a Masonic High Council and a Regular Grand Lodge therefore, enables this high social level to be permanently reached for in the name of honour and virtue. In doing so, great care is taken when choosing those who wish to be part of our honourable institutions. We enquire about their qualities as men and their general suitability as potential members, accepting their faults as well as their humanitarian attributes. We do not look immediately for those who show piety and righteousness, always believing we can teach the individual to recognise and practise these qualities. This Masonic family creates an excellent environment which has a great effect upon the progress of all members from all nations by level thinking, cooperation and unity. In the name of the G.A.O.T.U. I send greetings to you all from Lebanese Masons, wishing you all happiness and further progress in the building of Antient Masonry. Khaled Nachabe

RGL for the ME

THE CRAFT FREEMASONRY - NEWSLETTER RGLE...· Anton Tomaz Linhart was a Slovenian poet, historian, ... • As Aldous Huxley - [PDF Document] (5)

Regular Grand Lodge of England News 5

To the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe Speech delivered by the MW Serge Bouthemy, Provincial Grand Master of Paris Ile de France

International Masonic Conference of Paris of November 4, 2006

“How can one be a Mason? “Why does one become a Mason?” “Who is a mason?”. What is Masonry?”

Only our own personal answers can be given to these questions. As early as the 18th century, our brother Ricault summarised this statement in the following manner: “A Freemason for most people is an unsolvable puzzle, but how does one find the solution? Just become a Mason yourself”

Some suggestions not going beyond ordinary ethics and common sense see Masonry with neither credo nor dogma. It is essentially a matter of personal experience. From the governing principles unifying Freemasons, I will highlight 6 of them thus:

• The Initiation: A ceremony and the starting point of the quality of Mason. It is a fundamental basic without which there would be no Freemasonry.

• The Obligation: A solemn promise which is contained in the ceremony of initiation whereby the new mason states his sincere commitment and promise to fulfil his duties before the eyes of the Grand Architect of the Universe.

• The Symbolism: A method of working which allows the teaching of Masonic principles and a way of communicating them amongst Freemasons.

• Fraternity: A voluntary pattern of behaviour adopted by Freemasons toward other Freemasons.

• Universality: A pointed description signifying the vastness of the acceptance and understanding of Masonic Teachings, which extend to all known parts of the universe.

• Improvement: As a Freemason for life he will strive to improve his spiritual and moral self using his symbolic hammer and chisel.

I would also like to add these suggested principles:

• The hope that the human being can reach that point that Father Theillard de Charlin referred to and which means wisdom.

• Becoming a Freemason is senseless without the prospect of a personal inner reflection. • The only really serious questions which require answers are, “Where are we coming from, what are we here for and what happens to us thereafter?” Most people live without a clear answer to these questions, until perhaps till the time when death is looming, as the automatic probability of continued life is then questioned.

• As Aldous Huxley said “If an individual is not a wise man or a saint, the best way for him to approach such metaphysical questions is to study the works of those who were and after modifying their way of life were able to reach more than just human levels of knowledge”. Let us follow this advice and we will soon see that the teachings of such men and saints have remained remarkably constant for thousands of years. Leibnitz named it “philosophia-perrenis” and we call it “Tradition”

Tradition is characterised by some simple premises; Beyond the world of reason there is an over reality, symbolically revealed to us in certain books. It is up to us who have been initiated to discover the meaning. There are tracks we can follow for admission to the Craft with the help of certain techniques which have been tested over a long period by tradition. They are the Initiation, the symbolic language and the practise of Ritual

Each man may find in himself a true and faithful image of the universe. Freemasonry constituted itself in Western Europe around the traditions of builders, Masonic builders. The Masons achieved their goal by the creation of their buildings in harmony with the universe. They achieved their aim through a subtle mix of work and esoteric accomplishments. Finding the capital and Masons to launch such constructions, drawing plans and handling tools with nothing more than holy inspiration and inner enlightenment is what Freemasonry represents. The proportions of the cathedrals and other beautiful buildings erected by Masons do not exclusively depend on simple techniques or pure chance. It is through particular tradition. Becoming a Freemason is to enter into these traditions of the early builders. It constitutes an approach whose first premises is the acceptance of the existence of an “over- reality” on the one hand, and of a work well done with love, a sense of beauty and truth on the other hand.

MW Bro Serge Bouthemy Provincial Grand Master of Paris

THE CRAFT FREEMASONRY - NEWSLETTER RGLE...· Anton Tomaz Linhart was a Slovenian poet, historian, ... • As Aldous Huxley - [PDF Document] (6)

Regular Grand Lodge of England News 6

Regular Grand Lodge of Slovenia

Most Worshipful Brethren, Brethren all!

Today the 9th of December 6006 is a great day.

This year we celebrate the 250 year anniversary of four great men and brothers.

• On the 11th of December it will be the 250th anniversary of the birthday of RW Brother Anton Tomaž Linhart, an excellent literally and cosmopolitan citizen of Slovenia;

• On the 27th of January we celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of our brother Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

• We also celebrate 250th anniversary of the birth of Baron Jurij Vega, one of the leading scientists in central Europe at that time and later throughout Europe and the world.

• This year sees the 100th anniversary of the death of the noble poet, priest, patriot and visionary Simon Gregorčič.

Mozart is always among us because of his beautiful music played in our lodges. Linhart, Vega and Gregorčič earn respect for their achievements by the fact that we named our first three lodges after them. The Masonic light is bright and shining. It will show us how to be law abiding citizens on the way to becoming Freemasons. Not long ago in a letter to all Slovenian brethren I wrote;

We brothers of the Anton Tomaz Linhart Lodge will continue to lead the way throughout our beautiful

Slovenian Freemasonry and strive to become not just Freemasons without prejudice, but really “free”

Masons too.

Our united aims are to build three things; • Faith: that all Masons throughout the world will work together and cooperate with each other. • Hope: That we will be able to use this cooperation to make a better world. • Love: That this will form the basic understanding between brethren of all constitutions wherever they may be.

Our united endeavours must bring support for Masonry and the Brotherhood and not some kind of elitist control over the Craft. It is our responsibility to honour and assist any brother Mason and to help any non Mason in whatever way we can. Presently our membership can be classed as small but I am very confident that we are building up our numbers and in the near future will be a much larger organisation and the development of Slovenian Freemasonry will not only be seen, but also felt, throughout the world. It is a great opportunity for Slovenian Masons to be seen as true supporters of democracy, of equality and mutual respect for all mankind and of public and civil authority. We must promote all moral, ethical, spiritual and even material aspects of our community, enabling it to then pass on the message all over the globe

Brethren, as we work so hard to achieve these goals we are now being rewarded by the true Masonic Light coming into Slovenia. To all Brethren throughout the world, particularly here in Slovenia, for this success in establishing Art of Kings, I say to you from the bottom of my heart - CONGRATULATIONS.

Grand Master Ljubljana, 9th December 6006

THE CRAFT FREEMASONRY - NEWSLETTER RGLE...· Anton Tomaz Linhart was a Slovenian poet, historian, ... • As Aldous Huxley - [PDF Document] (7)

Regular Grand Lodge of England News 7


El Alto Consejo Masónico del Perú

Integrado por los Grandes Maestros de las Grandes Logias Regulares del Perú, se complace en saludar a los MM:.RR:.HH:. Grandes Maestros de las Grandes Logias que conforman el Concierto Masónico de Grandes Logias Regulares del Mundo y a los MM:.RR:.HH:. Presidentes y Grandes Oficiales de los Altos Consejos Masónicos y hace votos para que el próximo 2007 se consolide la Masonería Regular en los cinco continentes.

Nuestra Masonería Regular establecida en Londres el 25 de Enero del 2005 , por un grupo de HH:. que preocupados por el abandono y poca atención a los Usos y Costumbres de la Tradición Masónica reunidos en el local de las “Armas de los Fracmasones” en Covent Garden, Londres; hoy pueden comprobar como en tan poco tiempo se han restablecido los principios originales de nuestra Antigua y Honorable Sociedad de Libres Francmasones, con el establecimiento de Grandes Logias Regulares y Altos Consejos Masónicos alrededor del mundo.

Ahora, dentro de este nuevo marco, nuestra Orden nos da la felicidad y nos desarrolla los sentimientos de fraternidad, al saber a ciencia cierta que en los cinco continentes tenemos hermanos nuestros con una masonería que se encuentra esparcida sobre toda la superficie de la Tierra y el Sol siempre estará con respecto a la Francmasonería en el meridiano.

Que el cariño, el afecto, la fraternidad sea el sentimiento de todo masón regular en el mundo y logremos juntos unir a toda nuestra amada Orden, con el apoyo encontrado en el querer restablecer los sublimes ideales de nuestra augusta y milenaria institución, para que continué siendo un privilegio de pertenecer a ella.

Nuestro agradecimiento a la Gran Logia Regular de Inglaterra, al Alto Consejo de la Gran Logia Regular de Inglaterra y su Gran Cuadro de Grandes Dignidades y Grandes Oficiales y en especial a su Secretario General el Ilustre H:. Rui Alexander Gabirro, porque somos testigos de excepción del trabajo y preocupación diaria por el desarrollo de la masonería regular en el mundo.

MW Bro. Carlos L. Pacchioni Valdez, MHC, GM G:.L:. Occidental del Perú President of the Masonic High Council of Peru MW Bro. José Santiago Huamán Delgado, MHC, GM G:.L:. del Norte del Perú Senior Grand Officer of the Masonic High Council of Peru

MW Bro. Arnaldo Rivera Barrenechea, MHC, GM G:.L:. Austral del Perú Senior Grand Officer of the Masonic High Council of Peru

MW Bro. Carlos Alcalá Valderrama, MHC, GM G:.L:. del Sur del Perú Senior Grand Officer of the Masonic High Council of Peru

MW Bro. Pedro Baldeón Samaniego, MHC, GM G:.L:. del Centro del Perú Senior Grand Officer of the Masonic High Council of Peru

THE CRAFT FREEMASONRY - NEWSLETTER RGLE...· Anton Tomaz Linhart was a Slovenian poet, historian, ... • As Aldous Huxley - [PDF Document] (8)

Regular Grand Lodge of England News 8


Address of the Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of France

Dear Brethren All,

In a few hours a large part of our human society will make its entry into a new twelve month period. Our humanity has thus defined such a space which us allows the measurement and the calculation of the value of certain and numerous things and in particular, that of our lifespan. By holding account of such a measuring unit we lay out averages to bind our existence and events to a given time. We are therefore now in a position to reflect. To consider that September 2005 was a great day for our activities in France, the starting point of our Masonic activities. From that date henceforth we have undertaken organic construction of the building whose object is to teach with each one of us the best possible way forward, the true moral principles for a better comprehension of nature and all that it entails compose.

Our aspiration is towards a happy existence in with all men.

We know that a heart which lays down such noble objectives is necessarily confronted with difficult tests likely to discourage. During this twelve month period we either collectively or individually encountered difficulties of several kinds. Fortunately we also were able to experience shared moments of happiness between brethren, families and friends. In particular, let us continue to keep the spirit of the positive aspects of existence burning fiercely within us despite our sorrows and pains.

Our International Confederation is now moving at satisfactory speed and I do not say this lightly, as it is now very much indeed a palpable reality.

During the last twelve months the Grand Officers of the Regular Grand Lodge of England were appointed and invested, as too were the Grand Inspectors Generals. We signed the Treaty in London which set up the corner stone of our Confederation and later in the year we confirmed all of these actions and plans by signing the Paris Accord. Now, with the consecration of the Regular Grand Lodge of Slovenia we have rounded off a remarkable year on a highpoint.

Various others events took place within each Regular Grand Lodge under the auspices of the mother Masonic High Council the Mother High Council of the World, in North, Central and South America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. This has caused brethren and gentlemen to knock at our doors to be let in, confirmation indeed that our path is correct if any such confirmation was needed.

Brethren All, never forget that we are still only at the beginning of a long and arduous road.

May the Grand Architect of the Heavens and Earth grant you all his benefits and that our fraternal chain of union may continue to make the world turn.

May I wish you all, on behalf of all the French brethren under the auspices of Grand Lodge of Regular Free and Accepted Masons of France, the best wishes for 2007.

Paris, 29th of December 2006

MW Bro. J. Siegfried TONJE, MHC

Grand Master

Regular Grand Lodge of France

THE CRAFT FREEMASONRY - NEWSLETTER RGLE...· Anton Tomaz Linhart was a Slovenian poet, historian, ... • As Aldous Huxley - [PDF Document] (9)

Regular Grand Lodge of England News 9


The Mother High Council of the World

My Dear Brethren throughout the world, I bring you the greetings of the Grand Master MW Bro His Royal Highness Prince Philippe Paul Alexandre Henry.

You are to be heartily congratulated and thanked for all the tremendous support you have given, not only the Regular Grand Lodge of England, but all Grand Lodges throughout the world with whom we are in amity.

Without this unceasing support we would not have been able to expand and grow in the manner we have throughout 2006 and I am sure this will continue at an even greater rate throughout the coming year. Thank you all.

The Grand Master and myself wish you all a very peaceful transition from 2006 to 2007. Enjoy the time with family and friends and return refreshed to labour for our just cause.

Most fraternal and sincere greetings to all of you. MW Nikolaus Ehrenfried, MHC, RGLE Pro Grand Master

THE CRAFT FREEMASONRY - NEWSLETTER RGLE...· Anton Tomaz Linhart was a Slovenian poet, historian, ... • As Aldous Huxley - [PDF Document] (10)

Regular Grand Lodge of England News 10


The Grand Master and Grand Officers of the Regular Grand Lodge of England, together with the Officers involved in the Masonic High Council, the Mother High Council of the World and all brethren would like to heartily congratulate our Argentinean Brethren on the consecration of a new lodge, namely Lodge Antiguos Linderos No.1, in the Orient of Buenos Aires, Argentina.


MW & RW Grand Officers, Officers of the MHC, the Mother High Council of the World and Brethren: We heartily congratulate our American Brethren from the State of Nevada in on joining the MHCUSA and particularly to congratulate the 4 Craft Lodge that have now joined; Lodge José Maria Morelos y Pavon No.1, Lodge Acacia No.2, Lodge Estrella Del Norte No.3, Lodge Fenix No.4.


The Grand Master and Grand Officers of the Regular Grand Lodge of England, together with the Officers involved in the Masonic High Council, the Mother High Council of the World and all brethren would like to heartily congratulate our Lebanese Brethren on the consecration of a new lodge, namely Lodge King Solomon No.2, in the Orient of Beirut, Lebanon. The development of Freemasonry in the Lebanon has been quite remarkable and the brethren there are to be praised for all their hard work and dedication.


We are pleased to hear that some 15 brethren are now meeting regularly as a Masonic Discussion Group prior to applying to the Regular Grand Lodge of England for a warrant to form a lodge later in 2007. The general consensus is that they wish to return to the basics of Freemasonry which at present, they cannot find in their respective Grand Lodges. The majority of the brethren are English Speaking Freemasons and this development will be viewed with great interest.

THE CRAFT FREEMASONRY - NEWSLETTER RGLE...· Anton Tomaz Linhart was a Slovenian poet, historian, ... • As Aldous Huxley - [PDF Document] (11)

Regular Grand Lodge of England News 11

Important News

Dear Brethren,

Our Grand Secretary’s staff are working hard to ensure that this newsletter is prepared and sent out to all of you on a regular basis. We urge you all to send in all items which you may feel are of interest to the thousands of brethren who receive this newsletter. Although we cannot always guarantee to include it we can certainly promise not to if you do not send it! Although we will not publish your name if you do not wish us to, please let us know who it is from.

We look forward to receiving many of your items.

From the staff of the Office of the Grand

Secretary, Regular Grand Lodge of England

All enquiries, submissions and articles should be sent to the attention of The Grand Secretary of the Regular Grand Lodge of England

Grand Secretary

Masonic High Council

Regular Grand Lodge of England

14 Clarendon Street,

Dover, Kent CT17 9RE ENGLAND

tel: +44 (0)1304226033

e-mail: [emailprotected]

“We are unable to return material submitted by

individual brethren. Any submissions which are not signed will not be considered for publication.”


The Regular Grand Lodge of England is pleased to announce the consecration of the Luxor Lodge No.1 in Cairo, Egypt. This is an historic occasion with Egypt being the cradle of operative Freemasonry. It is a momentous occasion for the Craft and once more highlights the obvious need of Masons all over the world to embrace the kind of antient, original and transparent form of Freemasonry we in the Regular Grand Lodge of England wish to practice.

THE CRAFT FREEMASONRY - NEWSLETTER RGLE...· Anton Tomaz Linhart was a Slovenian poet, historian, ... • As Aldous Huxley - [PDF Document] (12)


Alto Consejo Masónico

de la República del

Perú Concierto de Grandes Logias Regulares del Mundo

Vall∴ Lima, Or∴ Perú, a 24 de diciembre de 2006 e∴v∴

A todos y cada uno de nuestros MM∴RR∴, RR∴ y QQ∴ HH∴

Que el cariño, el afecto y la fraternidad sea el sentimiento de todo masón en el mundo. Que logremos juntos unir a toda nuestra amada Orden, con el apoyo encontrado en el deseo de restablecer los sublimes ideales de nuestra augusta y milenaria institución, para que continúe siendo un privilegio pertenecer a ella.

Que el nuevo año 2007 que se nos avecina, sea propicio para cristalizar nuestros ideales y podamos enarbolar con orgullo y satisfacción el pendón de la Masonería Regular en todos nuestros Orientes.


José Santiago Huamán Delgado, G∴L∴N∴P∴ Arnaldo Rivera Barrenechea, G∴L∴A∴P∴

Carlos Alcalá Valderrama, G∴L∴S∴P∴ Carlos L. Pacchioni Valdez, G∴L∴O∴P∴ Pedro Baldeón Samaniego, G∴L∴C∴P∴ Grandes Oficiales del A∴C∴M∴ del Perú

To the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe

Masonic High Council

of the Republic of

Peru Concert of Regular Grand Lodges of the World

Valley of Lima, Orient of Peru, at 24th of December of 2006 A.D.

To all and every our Very Worshipful, Worshipful and Loving Brethren

Let the affection, love and fraternity are the feelings of every mason in the world. That together we achieve joining all our loving Order, with the support founded in the desire to re-establish the sublime ideals of our august and millenary institution, so that it continues being a privilege to belong to it.

That the New Year 2007 that is approached to us is propitious in order to crystallize our ideals and we pruned to hoist with pride and satisfaction the banner of the Regular Masonry in all our Orients.


Jose Santiago Huaman Delgado, GLNP Arnaldo Rivera Barrenechea, AGLP

Carlos Alcala Valderrama, GLSP Carlos L. Pacchioni Valdez, OGLP Pedro Baldeon Samaniego, GLCP

Grand Officers of the MHC of Peru


THE CRAFT FREEMASONRY - NEWSLETTER RGLE... · Anton Tomaz Linhart was a Slovenian poet, historian, ... • As Aldous Huxley - [PDF Document] (2024)


What do Masons believe in? ›

To become a Freemason, the applicant has to be an adult male and must believe in the existence of a supreme being and in the immortality of the soul. The teachings of Freemasonry enjoin morality, charity, and obedience to the law of the land.

What are the three great principles of freemasonry? ›

Tenets are principles, beliefs or doctrines generally held to be true, especially ones that are held in a common belief by members of an organised society. Thus the key Tenets of Freemasonry are our grand principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

What is the oldest Masonic document? ›

The oldest document that makes reference to Masons is the Regius Poem, printed about 1390, which was a copy of an earlier work. In 1717, four lodges in London formed the first Grand Lodge of England, and records from that point on are more complete.

Are the Freemasons Catholic? ›

Freemasonry's position on Catholics joining the fraternity

There has never been a Masonic prohibition against Catholics joining the fraternity, and some Freemasons are Catholics, despite the Catholic Church's prohibition of joining the freemasons.

How to tell if someone is an eastern star? ›

One of the best ways to tell if a person (whether dead or alive) is an OES member is to see if they wear or own items with “OES” or the upside-down five-pointed star emblem on it. Keep reading to learn more about how you can tell whether someone was or is a member of this charitable Masonic order.

Are knights templar masons? ›

Though it has been said that its affiliation with Masonry is based on texts that indicate persecuted Templars found refuge within the safety of Freemasonry, the order itself states that "there is no proof of direct connection between the ancient order and the modern order known today as the Knights Templar." The ...

Who is the father of all Masonic people? ›

Desaguliers is often described as the "father" of modern freemasonry. It was Desaguliers who inscribed the dedication to Anderson's Constitutions, headed the committee which directed and approved them, and supplied the "Gothic Constitutions" from which they were formed.

How many presidents were masons? ›

Of these, 15, including Lyndon Johnson who took only the First Degree, are known to have been Freemasons, beginning with the nation's first president, George Washington, and most recently the 38th president, Gerald R. Ford.

How old is the Masonic religion? ›

The origins of Freemasonry are obscure. The creation of the Craft (as it is also called) occurred over time between the first recorded gentleman joining an Edinburgh stonemasons' lodge in 1599 and the 1721 publication in London of The Constitutions of the Free-Masons by Scots Presbyterian minister James Anderson.

Can a Catholic be a shriner? ›

As the Masons note well on their official website, all Shriners are Masons, and Shriners hospitals are one of their big service projects. The Church has repeatedly pronounced that Catholics may not become Shriners or otherwise members of Masonic societies, under pain of excommunication.

Can Catholics join the Orange Order? ›

The Laws and Constitutions of the Loyal Orange Institution of Scotland of 1986 state, "No ex-Roman Catholic will be admitted into the Institution unless he is a Communicant in a Protestant Church for a reasonable period." Likewise, the "Constitution, Laws and Ordinances of the Loyal Orange Institution of Ireland" (1967 ...

What are the cardinals in Freemasonry? ›

Namely, there are four cardinal virtues that every Mason attempts to perfect in his walk through life. They are the virtues of Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance, and Justice.

What are the teachings of the masons? ›

As Freemasons, one of the first lessons we are taught is to be men of honor and integrity. We believe that justice is owed to each man, woman, and child because they are part of the human family under the fatherhood of God. We believe that in human endeavors, there is right and wrong, good and bad, just and unjust.

What are masons in simple terms? ›

The word mason means a construction worker who works with stone. He is also called a "stonemason". Freemasonry grew from the groups (guilds) of stonemasons in the Middle Ages.

What are the basics of the masons? ›

Stone, brick, mortar, and concrete are the materials of the mason's trade. The most basic of these materials is stone, which can be laid as walkways and as walls without the use of mortar.

What are masons responsible for? ›

Masons build structures with brick, block, and stone, some of the most common and durable materials used in construction. They also use concrete—a mixture of cement, sand, gravel, and water—as the foundation for everything from patios and floors to dams and roads.


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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.