President "should travel to Kosovo this week" (2024)


Wednesday, 09.10.2013.


Tomislav Nikolić should travel to Gračanica this week "and be the first Serbian official to go to Kosovo after the agreement reached by Dačić and Thaci."

Izvor: Fonet, Blic

President "should travel to Kosovo this week" (1) IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 10 godina

Thaci made the announcement but it was Germany and the US that are both silent partners and prime movers . Thaci was the one who looked stupid.
Over ELEXU’s front entrance in Pristina it says Eu Rule of Law Mission. So you think Thaci has a say? Yep you just keep on thin kin g that if it makes you warm and fuzzy.
(sj, 12 October 2013 04:25)

I think you missed the point, dear. We are not objecting to either of your statements below (since Kosovars are happy with either or them, as long as it's not Serbia that controls Kosovo):

1. Thaci decides; or
2. America, Germany, EULEX, NATO, etc. decide.

All we're asking is for you to decide whether (1) or (2) is true, as they can't be both true.


pre 10 godina

(pss, 11 October 2013 23:54)

For some people I have to write a detailed explanation on every statement and include footnotes. Thaci made the announcement but it was Germany and the US that are both silent partners and prime movers . Thaci was the one who looked stupid.
Over ELEXU’s front entrance in Pristina it says Eu Rule of Law Mission. So you think Thaci has a say? Yep you just keep on thin kin g that if it makes you warm and fuzzy.


pre 10 godina

(sj, 11 October 2013 12:2
According to other posts it is EULEX that makes all decisions in coordination with Serbia and the Albanians are just lap dogs that jump for treats. If that were true in this case it would be EULEX that has egg on its face, not Thaci. But apparently in this situation where it fits your little scenario Thaci did make decisions over Kosovo.
mmmm, it seems that as we weave our web of deception we are unable to keep the facts straight, doesn't it?
Pretty typical actually once you go down the road of lies, you have to keep creating more to cover the previous one.


pre 10 godina

Hmmmm....if you turn 360 degrees aren't you heading in the exact same direction from where you started?
(Huh??, 11 October 2013 11:17)
The point is Thaci is exactly where he started two weeks ago and achieved nothing.


pre 10 godina

"Today it’s a 360 degree summersault so even if nothing happens next week Thaci has an omelette on his face, literally."

Hmmmm....if you turn 360 degrees aren't you heading in the exact same direction from where you started?


pre 10 godina

(Ian, UK, 10 October 2013 15:24)

Two weeks ago Thaci “banned entry to Kosovo to Serbian officials during the campaign for the November 3 elections”. Today it’s a 360 degree summersault so even if nothing happens next week Thaci has an omelette on his face, literally.
He has made a fool of himself.


pre 10 godina

So when the Serbian Politicians want to go to Kosovo, they ask EULEX who in turn have to ask the institutions of the Kosovo Assembly.
(Ian, UK, 10 October 2013 10:15)

... which is turn is told by officials in Brussels to approve or reject.
(Balkan Anthropologist, 10 October 2013 13:53)

Just a note that the only thing being disputed in these posts here is whether Pristina or Brussels controls Kosovo.

But there is no dispute about the fact that Serbia does not control Kosovo. For Kosovars, that's good enough.


pre 10 godina

(icj1, 10 October 2013 05:19)

There is nothing wrong with my statement as it only refers to goat herding Albanians. They are so pathetic that they can’t even run a proper judiciary let alone a country. If you don’t believe that then why is EULEX still in control of everything in Kosova?????? Your Albanians couldn’t organise a piss up in a pub.
(sj, 10 October 2013 13:56)

I didn't say there is anything wrong with your statement. It appears your whole reply was to somebody's else post, not mine since this is what I said:

"Be careful there; you're going into traitorous territory... According to patriotic Serbs, Kosovo is Serbia and therefore Serbia runs everything in Kosovo, not the evil (for Serbs) EULEX.

As for Kosovars, between EULEX and Serbia, they have no problem about the former running everything as long as it's not the latter."

As you can see I have no problem with anybody saying the EULEX is in control of everything in Kosova.

Ian, UK

pre 10 godina

(sj, 10 October 2013 14:07)

Well, lets wait and see what happens next week. Then we will see who really has egg on their face, both metaphorically and literally.

the actual truth

pre 10 godina

every time Snake tells your politicians you are not allowed to enter Kosova, or he has them escorted back to the border into Serbia, they go crying like babies to Brussels. What kind of Komandant are you puss* cat!?
(the truth, 10 October 2013 00:55)

The kind who then reports your childish behavior to your eu parents who gives you a spanking and gets you to reverse your policy. what kind of authority are you little mouse!?


pre 10 godina

(Ian, UK, 10 October 2013 10:15)

As I said before for a person who purports to be an analyst with the UK heath system you are very naive. \When they say EULEX is o assist it really means to runs things because the locals are inept at doing just that.
What do you think Dacic or Vucic are going to Kosovo for? Perhaps praying in the nearest church? Thaci had to make that this stupid statement because has lots of egg on his face. Read his earlier statement “no Serbian politician will be allowed in Kosovo”. Get this through your head no one asks the Kosovo assembly for anything at all as has been proven now.
Thaci went to Brussels because he had to and go his arse kicked.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 10 godina

So when the Serbian Politicians want to go to Kosovo, they ask EULEX who in turn have to ask the institutions of the Kosovo Assembly.
(Ian, UK, 10 October 2013 10:15)

... which is turn is told by officials in Brussels to approve or reject. Get with the program Ian, the Kosovo officials you really want us to believe are in control are being told what to do by outside powers. The minute Pristina steps out of the preplanned route, they're told to adjust their position. It happened in July 2011, and it happened again this week.

Look, it's obvious you really want to put stock in Kosovo's Albanian officials, and that's laudable (probably), but don't be under any assumption they have the final word in a territory that was given to them and a government that was designed for them by external actors. Even your rationale of EULEX assisting Albanian authorities validates said authorities are in a secondary position. You want to be pro-Albanian, that's your choice. But you need to look at reality, and the reality is that Albanians, immature and largely unprepared to handle state affairs, once again tried to obstruct something that the "supervising" powers, once again, had to step in and fix. If you're that obsessed with the conditions of the agreement and waiting for the slighted\st "political" statement to be made by Serbs for -- wait for it -- an election, then you're less interested about reality and more about nationalistic bravado.


pre 10 godina

(icj1, 10 October 2013 05:19)

There is nothing wrong with my statement as it only refers to goat herding Albanians. They are so pathetic that they can’t even run a proper judiciary let alone a country. If you don’t believe that then why is EULEX still in control of everything in Kosova?????? Your Albanians couldn’t organise a piss up in a pub.


pre 10 godina

Brussels needs to solve the problems between the Albanians and the Serbs and President Nikolic is doing the right thing when he asks for a help. It only means that he is ready to improve regional relations and to cooperate with anyone who wants good relationships with Serbia.

Ian, UK

pre 10 godina

So let me get this straight, albanians are trying to prevent the minority Serbs from gathering and making speeches cuz it goes against the majority albanians beliefs? Yet these same albanians and their supports willi, roberto, ian, danilo, bob and commparrision have the nerve to bash Serbs for doing the same thing dew weeks ago?
(???, 10 October 2013 00:15)

Kosovo-Serbs are allowed to gather and make speeches in Kosovo, this is freedom of speech and democracy. What is not allowed is for foreign politicians from Serbia engaging in the local politics of Kosovo, acting like they own the place. These foreign politicians are allowed to come to Kosovo for Cultural and Religious purposes only, they are conditioned with refraining from anything political during their visit to Kosovo. This is what was agreed in Brussels the other day.

Ian, UK

pre 10 godina

When they mention Pristina authorities its EULEX not Thaci mate. EULEX runs everything that moves, from police to the judiciary.

If Thaci was in control then why did he have to go to Brussels? Then overturn his previous statement that no Serbian politician was allowed into Kosovo?????
(sj, 9 October 2013 23:27)

Wrong again!

EULEX's role is to ASSIST Kosovo's Police and help ESTABLISH Kosovo's Judiciary.

So when the Serbian Politicians want to go to Kosovo, they ask EULEX who in turn have to ask the institutions of the Kosovo Assembly.

Thaci went to Brussels to negotiate and his position is still the same, Serbian politicians will not be allowed to engage in anything political (including the local elections) during their visits to Kosovo.


pre 10 godina

"When they mention Pristina authorities its EULEX not Thaci mate. EULEX runs everything that moves, from police to the judiciary."

Not true at all. You are confusing EULEX's mandate with what UNMIK's used to be before 2009. EULEX is only a Rule of Law mission and most of that is in an advisor capacity. The actual Executive Authority of EULEX is pretty limited overall.


pre 10 godina

When they mention Pristina authorities its EULEX not Thaci mate. EULEX runs everything that moves, from police to the judiciary.
(sj, 9 October 2013 23:27)

Be careful there; you're going into traitorous territory... According to patriotic Serbs, Kosovo is Serbia and therefore Serbia runs everything in Kosovo, not the evil (for Serbs) EULEX.

As for Kosovars, between EULEX and Serbia, they have no problem about the former running everything as long as it's not the latter.


pre 10 godina

So let me get this straight, albanians are trying to prevent the minority Serbs from gathering and making speeches cuz it goes against the majority albanians beliefs? Yet these same albanians and their supports willi, roberto, ian, danilo, bob and commparrision have the nerve to bash Serbs for doing the same thing dew weeks ago?


pre 10 godina

Willi, Willi ... make up your mind.

You are the one who posted on your rather child-like web page the article titled, "Die Marionette Thaci unterwürft sich dem Diktat der EU und Serbiens. Loosely translated the puppet Thaci.

You and wanna be journalist Roberto (and cousin Ian) have a pathological-like fixation on Serbia ... as long as the view is anti-Serb and supports collective guilt. Your vacation to Kosovo makes you an expert.
Sick, really.

the truth

pre 10 godina

It's about time Mr. Nikolic. You should be spending some time in Serbia's most Southern province. Srecan Put! Zivela Srbija i cela Srpska Kosovo i Metohija.
(Komandant, 9 October 2013 18:57)

ej "Komandante", every time Snake tells your politicians you are not allowed to enter Kosova, or he has them escorted back to the border into Serbia, they go crying like babies to Brussels. What kind of Komandant are you puss* cat!?


pre 10 godina

Their visits to Kosovo should be fun.
(Ian, UK, 9 October 2013 15:06)

When they mention Pristina authorities its EULEX not Thaci mate. EULEX runs everything that moves, from police to the judiciary.

If Thaci was in control then why did he have to go to Brussels? Then overturn his previous statement that no Serbian politician was allowed into Kosovo?????

Willi Pfaff

pre 10 godina

Well, Roger7, SJ, and Balkan Anthropologist, I suggest you read the report about what really was agreed upon in Brussels right here on B92. Dacic even said now, that serbian politicians will not get involved in the Kosovo election campaign and will restrain from political comments when visiting Kosovo.
Ian was right with his assumption, and I guess Dacic lied once more when he made his statements which were for domestic consumption and to win the spin war in the international media. But it still doesn't change the fact that him, or any other serbian politican no longer can just go to Kosovo whenever, and for whatever reason they want to. Kosovo insitutions will still have to approve it first, and won't if it is clear that they come to spread political propaganda.


pre 10 godina

It's about time Mr. Nikolic. You should be spending some time in Serbia's most Southern province. Srecan Put! Zivela Srbija i cela Srpska Kosovo i Metohija.


pre 10 godina

Well, well ... Ian tries a limp attempt to spin the story but his friend, Willi from Germany, posts on the internet that Thaci is a "puppet to the dictates of EU and Serbia."

Don't get your knickers in a knot fellows just because Thaci did what he was told to do.

Ian, UK

pre 10 godina

Wrong again. Nothing has changed at all. For a person who claims to be a type of analyst with the Uk Health Department you show great naivety and little reading into the situation. You have to read between the lines – Thaci is only trying to remove some of the egg on his face after “refusing entry to now letting them in provided its only for cultural or religious reason”. It has been a longstanding agreement with EULEX to let them know who and when is arriving and they are the real authorities in pristine not Thaci.
Hey Dacic is going to Kosovo next week for the elections. Nikolic is of to Gracanica and its not top pray but for the election.
(sj, 9 October 2013 14:07)

Well, we'll sure see who is WRONG at the end of next week won't we? Because there sure will be drama and tears next week if Nikolic and/ or Dacic violate the terms of their visit. They better be good boys.

I dare say they'll violate what they agreed to regarding their visit and Pristina will have them removed from Kosovo, this will in turn cause them to go running in tears to Cathy Ashton and they'll tell her that Pristina has been unfair again.

Their visits to Kosovo should be fun.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 10 godina

I expect to see some fun next week when Nikolic and/ or Dacic violate the conditions of their trip and are forcibly escorted out of Kosovo.
(Ian, UK, 9 October 2013 12:49)

Oh I have absolutely no doubt the Albanians will try something dumb like this in a hastily crafted attempt at showing the audience they're in control after they were previously told to relent by EU officials. Besides, if they do that, like they've done many times in the past, the egg is on Albanian face, not Serbian.

See, the Western world does not take it lightly when efforts at encouraging democratic participation (in this case campaigning for an electoral list everyone knows will win) are forcibly interrupted in an authoritarian manner. But hey, you want to see flare ups like this? You want to see unnecessary provocations against an ethnic minority expressing their political rights and civil liberties? Kosovo is, has been, and will be, the place to look :)


pre 10 godina

(Ian, UK, 9 October 2013 12:49)

Wrong again. Nothing has changed at all. For a person who claims to be a type of analyst with the Uk Health Department you show great naivety and little reading into the situation. You have to read between the lines – Thaci is only trying to remove some of the egg on his face after “refusing entry to now letting them in provided its only for cultural or religious reason”. It has been a longstanding agreement with EULEX to let them know who and when is arriving and they are the real authorities in pristine not Thaci.
Hey Dacic is going to Kosovo next week for the elections. Nikolic is of to Gracanica and its not top pray but for the election.

Ian, UK

pre 10 godina

They will both be allowed to visit Kosovo as long as the trip is for personal religious or cultural matters. Political visits or visits of election character are still prohibited by Pristina.

I expect to see some fun next week when Nikolic and/ or Dacic violate the conditions of their trip and are forcibly escorted out of Kosovo.

This is what Thaci had to say "Kosovo authorities would respond to any request by Serbian officials to visit Kosovo, if the application is submitted to relevant institutions and according to the law... If requests for visits to Kosovo arrive, Kosovo institutions will look into them with the utmost seriousness, but in any case we will not allow visits with election character. But, if they wish to visit a monastery, of course we will let them".

So much for "one of the most successful meetings in Brussels" as Dacic stated.

Ian, UK

pre 10 godina

They will both be allowed to visit Kosovo as long as the trip is for personal religious or cultural matters. Political visits or visits of election character are still prohibited by Pristina.

I expect to see some fun next week when Nikolic and/ or Dacic violate the conditions of their trip and are forcibly escorted out of Kosovo.

This is what Thaci had to say "Kosovo authorities would respond to any request by Serbian officials to visit Kosovo, if the application is submitted to relevant institutions and according to the law... If requests for visits to Kosovo arrive, Kosovo institutions will look into them with the utmost seriousness, but in any case we will not allow visits with election character. But, if they wish to visit a monastery, of course we will let them".

So much for "one of the most successful meetings in Brussels" as Dacic stated.


pre 10 godina

(Ian, UK, 9 October 2013 12:49)

Wrong again. Nothing has changed at all. For a person who claims to be a type of analyst with the Uk Health Department you show great naivety and little reading into the situation. You have to read between the lines – Thaci is only trying to remove some of the egg on his face after “refusing entry to now letting them in provided its only for cultural or religious reason”. It has been a longstanding agreement with EULEX to let them know who and when is arriving and they are the real authorities in pristine not Thaci.
Hey Dacic is going to Kosovo next week for the elections. Nikolic is of to Gracanica and its not top pray but for the election.

Ian, UK

pre 10 godina

Wrong again. Nothing has changed at all. For a person who claims to be a type of analyst with the Uk Health Department you show great naivety and little reading into the situation. You have to read between the lines – Thaci is only trying to remove some of the egg on his face after “refusing entry to now letting them in provided its only for cultural or religious reason”. It has been a longstanding agreement with EULEX to let them know who and when is arriving and they are the real authorities in pristine not Thaci.
Hey Dacic is going to Kosovo next week for the elections. Nikolic is of to Gracanica and its not top pray but for the election.
(sj, 9 October 2013 14:07)

Well, we'll sure see who is WRONG at the end of next week won't we? Because there sure will be drama and tears next week if Nikolic and/ or Dacic violate the terms of their visit. They better be good boys.

I dare say they'll violate what they agreed to regarding their visit and Pristina will have them removed from Kosovo, this will in turn cause them to go running in tears to Cathy Ashton and they'll tell her that Pristina has been unfair again.

Their visits to Kosovo should be fun.


pre 10 godina

Well, well ... Ian tries a limp attempt to spin the story but his friend, Willi from Germany, posts on the internet that Thaci is a "puppet to the dictates of EU and Serbia."

Don't get your knickers in a knot fellows just because Thaci did what he was told to do.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 10 godina

I expect to see some fun next week when Nikolic and/ or Dacic violate the conditions of their trip and are forcibly escorted out of Kosovo.
(Ian, UK, 9 October 2013 12:49)

Oh I have absolutely no doubt the Albanians will try something dumb like this in a hastily crafted attempt at showing the audience they're in control after they were previously told to relent by EU officials. Besides, if they do that, like they've done many times in the past, the egg is on Albanian face, not Serbian.

See, the Western world does not take it lightly when efforts at encouraging democratic participation (in this case campaigning for an electoral list everyone knows will win) are forcibly interrupted in an authoritarian manner. But hey, you want to see flare ups like this? You want to see unnecessary provocations against an ethnic minority expressing their political rights and civil liberties? Kosovo is, has been, and will be, the place to look :)


pre 10 godina

It's about time Mr. Nikolic. You should be spending some time in Serbia's most Southern province. Srecan Put! Zivela Srbija i cela Srpska Kosovo i Metohija.


pre 10 godina

Their visits to Kosovo should be fun.
(Ian, UK, 9 October 2013 15:06)

When they mention Pristina authorities its EULEX not Thaci mate. EULEX runs everything that moves, from police to the judiciary.

If Thaci was in control then why did he have to go to Brussels? Then overturn his previous statement that no Serbian politician was allowed into Kosovo?????

the truth

pre 10 godina

It's about time Mr. Nikolic. You should be spending some time in Serbia's most Southern province. Srecan Put! Zivela Srbija i cela Srpska Kosovo i Metohija.
(Komandant, 9 October 2013 18:57)

ej "Komandante", every time Snake tells your politicians you are not allowed to enter Kosova, or he has them escorted back to the border into Serbia, they go crying like babies to Brussels. What kind of Komandant are you puss* cat!?

Ian, UK

pre 10 godina

So let me get this straight, albanians are trying to prevent the minority Serbs from gathering and making speeches cuz it goes against the majority albanians beliefs? Yet these same albanians and their supports willi, roberto, ian, danilo, bob and commparrision have the nerve to bash Serbs for doing the same thing dew weeks ago?
(???, 10 October 2013 00:15)

Kosovo-Serbs are allowed to gather and make speeches in Kosovo, this is freedom of speech and democracy. What is not allowed is for foreign politicians from Serbia engaging in the local politics of Kosovo, acting like they own the place. These foreign politicians are allowed to come to Kosovo for Cultural and Religious purposes only, they are conditioned with refraining from anything political during their visit to Kosovo. This is what was agreed in Brussels the other day.

Ian, UK

pre 10 godina

(sj, 10 October 2013 14:07)

Well, lets wait and see what happens next week. Then we will see who really has egg on their face, both metaphorically and literally.


pre 10 godina

When they mention Pristina authorities its EULEX not Thaci mate. EULEX runs everything that moves, from police to the judiciary.
(sj, 9 October 2013 23:27)

Be careful there; you're going into traitorous territory... According to patriotic Serbs, Kosovo is Serbia and therefore Serbia runs everything in Kosovo, not the evil (for Serbs) EULEX.

As for Kosovars, between EULEX and Serbia, they have no problem about the former running everything as long as it's not the latter.

the actual truth

pre 10 godina

every time Snake tells your politicians you are not allowed to enter Kosova, or he has them escorted back to the border into Serbia, they go crying like babies to Brussels. What kind of Komandant are you puss* cat!?
(the truth, 10 October 2013 00:55)

The kind who then reports your childish behavior to your eu parents who gives you a spanking and gets you to reverse your policy. what kind of authority are you little mouse!?

Willi Pfaff

pre 10 godina

Well, Roger7, SJ, and Balkan Anthropologist, I suggest you read the report about what really was agreed upon in Brussels right here on B92. Dacic even said now, that serbian politicians will not get involved in the Kosovo election campaign and will restrain from political comments when visiting Kosovo.
Ian was right with his assumption, and I guess Dacic lied once more when he made his statements which were for domestic consumption and to win the spin war in the international media. But it still doesn't change the fact that him, or any other serbian politican no longer can just go to Kosovo whenever, and for whatever reason they want to. Kosovo insitutions will still have to approve it first, and won't if it is clear that they come to spread political propaganda.


pre 10 godina

Willi, Willi ... make up your mind.

You are the one who posted on your rather child-like web page the article titled, "Die Marionette Thaci unterwürft sich dem Diktat der EU und Serbiens. Loosely translated the puppet Thaci.

You and wanna be journalist Roberto (and cousin Ian) have a pathological-like fixation on Serbia ... as long as the view is anti-Serb and supports collective guilt. Your vacation to Kosovo makes you an expert.
Sick, really.


pre 10 godina

"When they mention Pristina authorities its EULEX not Thaci mate. EULEX runs everything that moves, from police to the judiciary."

Not true at all. You are confusing EULEX's mandate with what UNMIK's used to be before 2009. EULEX is only a Rule of Law mission and most of that is in an advisor capacity. The actual Executive Authority of EULEX is pretty limited overall.

Ian, UK

pre 10 godina

When they mention Pristina authorities its EULEX not Thaci mate. EULEX runs everything that moves, from police to the judiciary.

If Thaci was in control then why did he have to go to Brussels? Then overturn his previous statement that no Serbian politician was allowed into Kosovo?????
(sj, 9 October 2013 23:27)

Wrong again!

EULEX's role is to ASSIST Kosovo's Police and help ESTABLISH Kosovo's Judiciary.

So when the Serbian Politicians want to go to Kosovo, they ask EULEX who in turn have to ask the institutions of the Kosovo Assembly.

Thaci went to Brussels to negotiate and his position is still the same, Serbian politicians will not be allowed to engage in anything political (including the local elections) during their visits to Kosovo.


pre 10 godina

Brussels needs to solve the problems between the Albanians and the Serbs and President Nikolic is doing the right thing when he asks for a help. It only means that he is ready to improve regional relations and to cooperate with anyone who wants good relationships with Serbia.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 10 godina

So when the Serbian Politicians want to go to Kosovo, they ask EULEX who in turn have to ask the institutions of the Kosovo Assembly.
(Ian, UK, 10 October 2013 10:15)

... which is turn is told by officials in Brussels to approve or reject. Get with the program Ian, the Kosovo officials you really want us to believe are in control are being told what to do by outside powers. The minute Pristina steps out of the preplanned route, they're told to adjust their position. It happened in July 2011, and it happened again this week.

Look, it's obvious you really want to put stock in Kosovo's Albanian officials, and that's laudable (probably), but don't be under any assumption they have the final word in a territory that was given to them and a government that was designed for them by external actors. Even your rationale of EULEX assisting Albanian authorities validates said authorities are in a secondary position. You want to be pro-Albanian, that's your choice. But you need to look at reality, and the reality is that Albanians, immature and largely unprepared to handle state affairs, once again tried to obstruct something that the "supervising" powers, once again, had to step in and fix. If you're that obsessed with the conditions of the agreement and waiting for the slighted\st "political" statement to be made by Serbs for -- wait for it -- an election, then you're less interested about reality and more about nationalistic bravado.


pre 10 godina

"Today it’s a 360 degree summersault so even if nothing happens next week Thaci has an omelette on his face, literally."

Hmmmm....if you turn 360 degrees aren't you heading in the exact same direction from where you started?


pre 10 godina

So let me get this straight, albanians are trying to prevent the minority Serbs from gathering and making speeches cuz it goes against the majority albanians beliefs? Yet these same albanians and their supports willi, roberto, ian, danilo, bob and commparrision have the nerve to bash Serbs for doing the same thing dew weeks ago?


pre 10 godina

(icj1, 10 October 2013 05:19)

There is nothing wrong with my statement as it only refers to goat herding Albanians. They are so pathetic that they can’t even run a proper judiciary let alone a country. If you don’t believe that then why is EULEX still in control of everything in Kosova?????? Your Albanians couldn’t organise a piss up in a pub.


pre 10 godina

(Ian, UK, 10 October 2013 10:15)

As I said before for a person who purports to be an analyst with the UK heath system you are very naive. \When they say EULEX is o assist it really means to runs things because the locals are inept at doing just that.
What do you think Dacic or Vucic are going to Kosovo for? Perhaps praying in the nearest church? Thaci had to make that this stupid statement because has lots of egg on his face. Read his earlier statement “no Serbian politician will be allowed in Kosovo”. Get this through your head no one asks the Kosovo assembly for anything at all as has been proven now.
Thaci went to Brussels because he had to and go his arse kicked.


pre 10 godina

So when the Serbian Politicians want to go to Kosovo, they ask EULEX who in turn have to ask the institutions of the Kosovo Assembly.
(Ian, UK, 10 October 2013 10:15)

... which is turn is told by officials in Brussels to approve or reject.
(Balkan Anthropologist, 10 October 2013 13:53)

Just a note that the only thing being disputed in these posts here is whether Pristina or Brussels controls Kosovo.

But there is no dispute about the fact that Serbia does not control Kosovo. For Kosovars, that's good enough.


pre 10 godina

(icj1, 10 October 2013 05:19)

There is nothing wrong with my statement as it only refers to goat herding Albanians. They are so pathetic that they can’t even run a proper judiciary let alone a country. If you don’t believe that then why is EULEX still in control of everything in Kosova?????? Your Albanians couldn’t organise a piss up in a pub.
(sj, 10 October 2013 13:56)

I didn't say there is anything wrong with your statement. It appears your whole reply was to somebody's else post, not mine since this is what I said:

"Be careful there; you're going into traitorous territory... According to patriotic Serbs, Kosovo is Serbia and therefore Serbia runs everything in Kosovo, not the evil (for Serbs) EULEX.

As for Kosovars, between EULEX and Serbia, they have no problem about the former running everything as long as it's not the latter."

As you can see I have no problem with anybody saying the EULEX is in control of everything in Kosova.


pre 10 godina

(Ian, UK, 10 October 2013 15:24)

Two weeks ago Thaci “banned entry to Kosovo to Serbian officials during the campaign for the November 3 elections”. Today it’s a 360 degree summersault so even if nothing happens next week Thaci has an omelette on his face, literally.
He has made a fool of himself.


pre 10 godina

Hmmmm....if you turn 360 degrees aren't you heading in the exact same direction from where you started?
(Huh??, 11 October 2013 11:17)
The point is Thaci is exactly where he started two weeks ago and achieved nothing.


pre 10 godina

(sj, 11 October 2013 12:2
According to other posts it is EULEX that makes all decisions in coordination with Serbia and the Albanians are just lap dogs that jump for treats. If that were true in this case it would be EULEX that has egg on its face, not Thaci. But apparently in this situation where it fits your little scenario Thaci did make decisions over Kosovo.
mmmm, it seems that as we weave our web of deception we are unable to keep the facts straight, doesn't it?
Pretty typical actually once you go down the road of lies, you have to keep creating more to cover the previous one.


pre 10 godina

(pss, 11 October 2013 23:54)

For some people I have to write a detailed explanation on every statement and include footnotes. Thaci made the announcement but it was Germany and the US that are both silent partners and prime movers . Thaci was the one who looked stupid.
Over ELEXU’s front entrance in Pristina it says Eu Rule of Law Mission. So you think Thaci has a say? Yep you just keep on thin kin g that if it makes you warm and fuzzy.


pre 10 godina

Thaci made the announcement but it was Germany and the US that are both silent partners and prime movers . Thaci was the one who looked stupid.
Over ELEXU’s front entrance in Pristina it says Eu Rule of Law Mission. So you think Thaci has a say? Yep you just keep on thin kin g that if it makes you warm and fuzzy.
(sj, 12 October 2013 04:25)

I think you missed the point, dear. We are not objecting to either of your statements below (since Kosovars are happy with either or them, as long as it's not Serbia that controls Kosovo):

1. Thaci decides; or
2. America, Germany, EULEX, NATO, etc. decide.

All we're asking is for you to decide whether (1) or (2) is true, as they can't be both true.


pre 10 godina

(Ian, UK, 9 October 2013 12:49)

Wrong again. Nothing has changed at all. For a person who claims to be a type of analyst with the Uk Health Department you show great naivety and little reading into the situation. You have to read between the lines – Thaci is only trying to remove some of the egg on his face after “refusing entry to now letting them in provided its only for cultural or religious reason”. It has been a longstanding agreement with EULEX to let them know who and when is arriving and they are the real authorities in pristine not Thaci.
Hey Dacic is going to Kosovo next week for the elections. Nikolic is of to Gracanica and its not top pray but for the election.

Ian, UK

pre 10 godina

They will both be allowed to visit Kosovo as long as the trip is for personal religious or cultural matters. Political visits or visits of election character are still prohibited by Pristina.

I expect to see some fun next week when Nikolic and/ or Dacic violate the conditions of their trip and are forcibly escorted out of Kosovo.

This is what Thaci had to say "Kosovo authorities would respond to any request by Serbian officials to visit Kosovo, if the application is submitted to relevant institutions and according to the law... If requests for visits to Kosovo arrive, Kosovo institutions will look into them with the utmost seriousness, but in any case we will not allow visits with election character. But, if they wish to visit a monastery, of course we will let them".

So much for "one of the most successful meetings in Brussels" as Dacic stated.

Ian, UK

pre 10 godina

Wrong again. Nothing has changed at all. For a person who claims to be a type of analyst with the Uk Health Department you show great naivety and little reading into the situation. You have to read between the lines – Thaci is only trying to remove some of the egg on his face after “refusing entry to now letting them in provided its only for cultural or religious reason”. It has been a longstanding agreement with EULEX to let them know who and when is arriving and they are the real authorities in pristine not Thaci.
Hey Dacic is going to Kosovo next week for the elections. Nikolic is of to Gracanica and its not top pray but for the election.
(sj, 9 October 2013 14:07)

Well, we'll sure see who is WRONG at the end of next week won't we? Because there sure will be drama and tears next week if Nikolic and/ or Dacic violate the terms of their visit. They better be good boys.

I dare say they'll violate what they agreed to regarding their visit and Pristina will have them removed from Kosovo, this will in turn cause them to go running in tears to Cathy Ashton and they'll tell her that Pristina has been unfair again.

Their visits to Kosovo should be fun.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 10 godina

I expect to see some fun next week when Nikolic and/ or Dacic violate the conditions of their trip and are forcibly escorted out of Kosovo.
(Ian, UK, 9 October 2013 12:49)

Oh I have absolutely no doubt the Albanians will try something dumb like this in a hastily crafted attempt at showing the audience they're in control after they were previously told to relent by EU officials. Besides, if they do that, like they've done many times in the past, the egg is on Albanian face, not Serbian.

See, the Western world does not take it lightly when efforts at encouraging democratic participation (in this case campaigning for an electoral list everyone knows will win) are forcibly interrupted in an authoritarian manner. But hey, you want to see flare ups like this? You want to see unnecessary provocations against an ethnic minority expressing their political rights and civil liberties? Kosovo is, has been, and will be, the place to look :)


pre 10 godina

Well, well ... Ian tries a limp attempt to spin the story but his friend, Willi from Germany, posts on the internet that Thaci is a "puppet to the dictates of EU and Serbia."

Don't get your knickers in a knot fellows just because Thaci did what he was told to do.


pre 10 godina

(icj1, 10 October 2013 05:19)

There is nothing wrong with my statement as it only refers to goat herding Albanians. They are so pathetic that they can’t even run a proper judiciary let alone a country. If you don’t believe that then why is EULEX still in control of everything in Kosova?????? Your Albanians couldn’t organise a piss up in a pub.


pre 10 godina

It's about time Mr. Nikolic. You should be spending some time in Serbia's most Southern province. Srecan Put! Zivela Srbija i cela Srpska Kosovo i Metohija.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 10 godina

So when the Serbian Politicians want to go to Kosovo, they ask EULEX who in turn have to ask the institutions of the Kosovo Assembly.
(Ian, UK, 10 October 2013 10:15)

... which is turn is told by officials in Brussels to approve or reject. Get with the program Ian, the Kosovo officials you really want us to believe are in control are being told what to do by outside powers. The minute Pristina steps out of the preplanned route, they're told to adjust their position. It happened in July 2011, and it happened again this week.

Look, it's obvious you really want to put stock in Kosovo's Albanian officials, and that's laudable (probably), but don't be under any assumption they have the final word in a territory that was given to them and a government that was designed for them by external actors. Even your rationale of EULEX assisting Albanian authorities validates said authorities are in a secondary position. You want to be pro-Albanian, that's your choice. But you need to look at reality, and the reality is that Albanians, immature and largely unprepared to handle state affairs, once again tried to obstruct something that the "supervising" powers, once again, had to step in and fix. If you're that obsessed with the conditions of the agreement and waiting for the slighted\st "political" statement to be made by Serbs for -- wait for it -- an election, then you're less interested about reality and more about nationalistic bravado.


pre 10 godina

(Ian, UK, 10 October 2013 10:15)

As I said before for a person who purports to be an analyst with the UK heath system you are very naive. \When they say EULEX is o assist it really means to runs things because the locals are inept at doing just that.
What do you think Dacic or Vucic are going to Kosovo for? Perhaps praying in the nearest church? Thaci had to make that this stupid statement because has lots of egg on his face. Read his earlier statement “no Serbian politician will be allowed in Kosovo”. Get this through your head no one asks the Kosovo assembly for anything at all as has been proven now.
Thaci went to Brussels because he had to and go his arse kicked.


pre 10 godina

Their visits to Kosovo should be fun.
(Ian, UK, 9 October 2013 15:06)

When they mention Pristina authorities its EULEX not Thaci mate. EULEX runs everything that moves, from police to the judiciary.

If Thaci was in control then why did he have to go to Brussels? Then overturn his previous statement that no Serbian politician was allowed into Kosovo?????


pre 10 godina

So let me get this straight, albanians are trying to prevent the minority Serbs from gathering and making speeches cuz it goes against the majority albanians beliefs? Yet these same albanians and their supports willi, roberto, ian, danilo, bob and commparrision have the nerve to bash Serbs for doing the same thing dew weeks ago?


pre 10 godina

Willi, Willi ... make up your mind.

You are the one who posted on your rather child-like web page the article titled, "Die Marionette Thaci unterwürft sich dem Diktat der EU und Serbiens. Loosely translated the puppet Thaci.

You and wanna be journalist Roberto (and cousin Ian) have a pathological-like fixation on Serbia ... as long as the view is anti-Serb and supports collective guilt. Your vacation to Kosovo makes you an expert.
Sick, really.

the actual truth

pre 10 godina

every time Snake tells your politicians you are not allowed to enter Kosova, or he has them escorted back to the border into Serbia, they go crying like babies to Brussels. What kind of Komandant are you puss* cat!?
(the truth, 10 October 2013 00:55)

The kind who then reports your childish behavior to your eu parents who gives you a spanking and gets you to reverse your policy. what kind of authority are you little mouse!?

Willi Pfaff

pre 10 godina

Well, Roger7, SJ, and Balkan Anthropologist, I suggest you read the report about what really was agreed upon in Brussels right here on B92. Dacic even said now, that serbian politicians will not get involved in the Kosovo election campaign and will restrain from political comments when visiting Kosovo.
Ian was right with his assumption, and I guess Dacic lied once more when he made his statements which were for domestic consumption and to win the spin war in the international media. But it still doesn't change the fact that him, or any other serbian politican no longer can just go to Kosovo whenever, and for whatever reason they want to. Kosovo insitutions will still have to approve it first, and won't if it is clear that they come to spread political propaganda.


pre 10 godina

Brussels needs to solve the problems between the Albanians and the Serbs and President Nikolic is doing the right thing when he asks for a help. It only means that he is ready to improve regional relations and to cooperate with anyone who wants good relationships with Serbia.

Ian, UK

pre 10 godina

When they mention Pristina authorities its EULEX not Thaci mate. EULEX runs everything that moves, from police to the judiciary.

If Thaci was in control then why did he have to go to Brussels? Then overturn his previous statement that no Serbian politician was allowed into Kosovo?????
(sj, 9 October 2013 23:27)

Wrong again!

EULEX's role is to ASSIST Kosovo's Police and help ESTABLISH Kosovo's Judiciary.

So when the Serbian Politicians want to go to Kosovo, they ask EULEX who in turn have to ask the institutions of the Kosovo Assembly.

Thaci went to Brussels to negotiate and his position is still the same, Serbian politicians will not be allowed to engage in anything political (including the local elections) during their visits to Kosovo.

Ian, UK

pre 10 godina

So let me get this straight, albanians are trying to prevent the minority Serbs from gathering and making speeches cuz it goes against the majority albanians beliefs? Yet these same albanians and their supports willi, roberto, ian, danilo, bob and commparrision have the nerve to bash Serbs for doing the same thing dew weeks ago?
(???, 10 October 2013 00:15)

Kosovo-Serbs are allowed to gather and make speeches in Kosovo, this is freedom of speech and democracy. What is not allowed is for foreign politicians from Serbia engaging in the local politics of Kosovo, acting like they own the place. These foreign politicians are allowed to come to Kosovo for Cultural and Religious purposes only, they are conditioned with refraining from anything political during their visit to Kosovo. This is what was agreed in Brussels the other day.

the truth

pre 10 godina

It's about time Mr. Nikolic. You should be spending some time in Serbia's most Southern province. Srecan Put! Zivela Srbija i cela Srpska Kosovo i Metohija.
(Komandant, 9 October 2013 18:57)

ej "Komandante", every time Snake tells your politicians you are not allowed to enter Kosova, or he has them escorted back to the border into Serbia, they go crying like babies to Brussels. What kind of Komandant are you puss* cat!?


pre 10 godina

(Ian, UK, 10 October 2013 15:24)

Two weeks ago Thaci “banned entry to Kosovo to Serbian officials during the campaign for the November 3 elections”. Today it’s a 360 degree summersault so even if nothing happens next week Thaci has an omelette on his face, literally.
He has made a fool of himself.


pre 10 godina

Hmmmm....if you turn 360 degrees aren't you heading in the exact same direction from where you started?
(Huh??, 11 October 2013 11:17)
The point is Thaci is exactly where he started two weeks ago and achieved nothing.


pre 10 godina

"When they mention Pristina authorities its EULEX not Thaci mate. EULEX runs everything that moves, from police to the judiciary."

Not true at all. You are confusing EULEX's mandate with what UNMIK's used to be before 2009. EULEX is only a Rule of Law mission and most of that is in an advisor capacity. The actual Executive Authority of EULEX is pretty limited overall.

Ian, UK

pre 10 godina

(sj, 10 October 2013 14:07)

Well, lets wait and see what happens next week. Then we will see who really has egg on their face, both metaphorically and literally.


pre 10 godina

So when the Serbian Politicians want to go to Kosovo, they ask EULEX who in turn have to ask the institutions of the Kosovo Assembly.
(Ian, UK, 10 October 2013 10:15)

... which is turn is told by officials in Brussels to approve or reject.
(Balkan Anthropologist, 10 October 2013 13:53)

Just a note that the only thing being disputed in these posts here is whether Pristina or Brussels controls Kosovo.

But there is no dispute about the fact that Serbia does not control Kosovo. For Kosovars, that's good enough.


pre 10 godina

When they mention Pristina authorities its EULEX not Thaci mate. EULEX runs everything that moves, from police to the judiciary.
(sj, 9 October 2013 23:27)

Be careful there; you're going into traitorous territory... According to patriotic Serbs, Kosovo is Serbia and therefore Serbia runs everything in Kosovo, not the evil (for Serbs) EULEX.

As for Kosovars, between EULEX and Serbia, they have no problem about the former running everything as long as it's not the latter.


pre 10 godina

(icj1, 10 October 2013 05:19)

There is nothing wrong with my statement as it only refers to goat herding Albanians. They are so pathetic that they can’t even run a proper judiciary let alone a country. If you don’t believe that then why is EULEX still in control of everything in Kosova?????? Your Albanians couldn’t organise a piss up in a pub.
(sj, 10 October 2013 13:56)

I didn't say there is anything wrong with your statement. It appears your whole reply was to somebody's else post, not mine since this is what I said:

"Be careful there; you're going into traitorous territory... According to patriotic Serbs, Kosovo is Serbia and therefore Serbia runs everything in Kosovo, not the evil (for Serbs) EULEX.

As for Kosovars, between EULEX and Serbia, they have no problem about the former running everything as long as it's not the latter."

As you can see I have no problem with anybody saying the EULEX is in control of everything in Kosova.


pre 10 godina

"Today it’s a 360 degree summersault so even if nothing happens next week Thaci has an omelette on his face, literally."

Hmmmm....if you turn 360 degrees aren't you heading in the exact same direction from where you started?


pre 10 godina

(pss, 11 October 2013 23:54)

For some people I have to write a detailed explanation on every statement and include footnotes. Thaci made the announcement but it was Germany and the US that are both silent partners and prime movers . Thaci was the one who looked stupid.
Over ELEXU’s front entrance in Pristina it says Eu Rule of Law Mission. So you think Thaci has a say? Yep you just keep on thin kin g that if it makes you warm and fuzzy.


pre 10 godina

(sj, 11 October 2013 12:2
According to other posts it is EULEX that makes all decisions in coordination with Serbia and the Albanians are just lap dogs that jump for treats. If that were true in this case it would be EULEX that has egg on its face, not Thaci. But apparently in this situation where it fits your little scenario Thaci did make decisions over Kosovo.
mmmm, it seems that as we weave our web of deception we are unable to keep the facts straight, doesn't it?
Pretty typical actually once you go down the road of lies, you have to keep creating more to cover the previous one.


pre 10 godina

Thaci made the announcement but it was Germany and the US that are both silent partners and prime movers . Thaci was the one who looked stupid.
Over ELEXU’s front entrance in Pristina it says Eu Rule of Law Mission. So you think Thaci has a say? Yep you just keep on thin kin g that if it makes you warm and fuzzy.
(sj, 12 October 2013 04:25)

I think you missed the point, dear. We are not objecting to either of your statements below (since Kosovars are happy with either or them, as long as it's not Serbia that controls Kosovo):

1. Thaci decides; or
2. America, Germany, EULEX, NATO, etc. decide.

All we're asking is for you to decide whether (1) or (2) is true, as they can't be both true.

President "should travel to Kosovo this week" (2024)


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