Naruto: Konoha 12 - Chapter 1 - Spiderling77 (2024)

A cursed existence that only brought death and despair the day that he was born. Fruit of a love affair between his mother and a member of the main branch of the Hyuga clan, he was blessed with both the Uzumaki powerful bloodline of his mother and the Byakugan of his father. However, fatality struck the day that he was born; his mother . . . . let's just say, died during the childbirth process, and her husband died from sadness the same day. At least that was what they had told Ryuko since he was a kid. What happened to his biological father? He died in an accident during a routine mission, a strange death that guaranteed the easy recovery of his eyes.

That was why Ryuko was marked from that second as a cursed child. He killed his three parents when he was born; it wasn't his fault, but this child would carry the crimes of his progenitors.

Life in the Kuroi clan was not easy from an emotional standpoint. The influential family that had the monopoly on selling and buying all kinds of ninja tools, from the cheapest shuriken to the most expensive chakra blade, was extremely shady at best. At worst, it was basically criminal, but the support of Danzo and the rest of the elders in the council kept them out of trouble. Perverts, criminals, just scum that used their money and influence to do all kinds of unsavory things and be proud of them. A stain in Konoha that refused to go away.

They gave Ryuko all he wanted—a room for himself, anything that he wanted—and even supported him. But he knew that it was bullsh*t. There was a reason why his room was a house built on the most hidden part of the family mansion, why they never invited him to any social event, or why people seemed to be in a hurry each time they talked with him. The boy was a stain in his family, a reminder of something that they would never accept—that another family had won over them.

The Hyuga clan had humiliated them and then left that boy alive as a reminder of their loss. Ryuko was a stain within a stain.

Ryuko wasn't bad; he didn't want to be a bad person. He tried to be gentle and happy all the time, no matter how alone he felt. However, the boy wasn't pure or perfect. Resentment had begun to fester inside his heart toward the people who hated him without any reason. He hadn't done anything wrong; it was his family's fault. Why do they hate him? It was unfair. That, mixed with his more perverted desires, turned into this looming threat.

The world was a big and scary place, and he was just a small child. Then, one day, something happened that made his world a little smaller and more comfortable.

One day, while he was just wandering the village, a girl with blonde hair and birthmarks that looked like whiskers was having problems carrying some buckets of paint. “Hey, strawberry, help me to carry those buckets of paint!” The girl yelled with a cheerful tone and a wide grin on her lips.

Since, even at that young age, Ryuko was used to doing stuff without asking too many questions, he nodded and got closer. “Why strawberry?” The boy asked with a curious tone; it was the first time he had heard that nickname.

“Because you are red with white dots,” the girl said while rolling her eyes, showing no sight of hate or disgust like most of the people did to him.

Ryuko went silent for a second. “White dots?” He asked again, unable to process those words.

“Your eyes,” she finally said, and she poked him on the forehead with one finger.

He blushed; it was the first time that someone had touched him in a non-aggressive way. “Ah! You are right!” Ryuko yelled as this was the first time he met Naruko, another outcast like him.

Naruko and Ryuko soon became best friends and a menace to Konoha with their acts of vandalism. Then it came time to join the Ninja Academy, and it all started to go down and up at the same time for the boy. Ryuko gained new enemies—lots of them—but also showed how much potential he has as a ninja.

Ryuko didn't need to train so hard; his bloodlines and natural talents guaranteed that he would be a decent ninja no matter what. Why was he training so hard? Why was he searching for power? To defend a village that hated him? No. To prove to the world that he wasn't a cursed kid? No. To become a respected member of his family? No. Fear was the answer. Fear of the big and scary world and fear of losing the only beacon of light in his life. The crawling dread of having a seal in his chest only made him unable to learn the Hyuga techniques, but it was a constant reminder that even using the Byakugan could incur the wrath of the most powerful clan in Konoha.

Even if Ryuko's best friend was a monster, a creature that could destroy the village, he would become another one to just stand beside her. If the world was a big and scary place, the boy just needed to become bigger and scarier than the world itself.

So, he trained. Ryuko trained until his hands were full of blisters, his head hurt from the lack of chakra, and his eyes were bloodshot from overusing them. However, all of his talent and hard work were nothing compared to the monster that was Satsuki Uchiha. That girl was still the best ninja in their class, but Ryuko was a close second.

Ryuko was sitting in the classroom with the rest of the Genin, waiting for his team to be assigned. The boy had grown into a beautiful 18-year-old teenager. Ryuko's facial structure was soft and smooth, with porcelain skin like a doll, and his pure white eyes shone like a pair of pearls in his face. This androgynous appearance was accentuated by the river of crimson hair that flew all the way to his waist, silky and velvety straight strands that were only disturbed by the band on his forehead with the symbol of Konoha. He was not really that muscular and a had small stature; he looked like a girl from behind. Now he was dressed in a black and red gi with a simple chainmail fishnet under it for protection.

Naruto: Konoha 12 - Chapter 1 - Spiderling77 (1)

Naruko was sitting beside him. The busty junchuriki of the nine tails had grown massively from a midget that looked like a boy to a beautiful kunoichi. She had blonde hair tied in a pair of twin tails, piercing blue eyes, and a smug vulpine smile surrounded by her birthmark's whiskers. The most impressive detail were her massive tit*, which were only held by a black top. The girl also had a nice set of legs and an impressive posterior, but her breasts were by far the main show. Ironically, she was kind of fit for her body; all the fat was concentrated on those mountains. Taking into consideration that she was wearing her typical orange and black cropped jacket and pants that showed her abdomen, Ryuko didn't need to use his Byakugan to imagine how she looked naked.

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“I wonder what bushy eyebrows is doing,” Naruko muttered while leaning back on her chair, thinking about the other member of her group of outcasts.

Ryuko made a small giggle, his normally serious semblance breaking when he was with his friends. “Probably showing the world the power of youth,” he added with a calm tone. The boy kind of missed Lee, but since she was older than him, it was normal that she would graduate first. After all, she was another member of the outcast group like them.

“So . . .are you ready to get your teams?” Another nervous voice muttered, barely above a whisper. It was Hinata, a girl who had a huge crush on Naruko that anybody could see from a mile away—well, everybody except the jinchuriki.

Hinata was the princess of the Hyuga clan, a beautiful girl with a calm and fragile persona that made it surprising that she was a ninja. Her long black hair cascaded from her head; her white eyes looked even more pure than those of Ryuko; and the girl's weak smile was adorable. She was almost always dressed in a purple and white hoodie, carrying her ninja band around her neck; that thing couldn't contain the massive size of her tit*. It was surprising how such a refined woman had such a lewd body with a set of child-bearing hips and breasts that could give Naruko a run for her money.

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“Yes! I bet I will go with Ryuko,” Naruko said without a single ounce of doubt in her voice.

The boy nodded, happy that Hinata was one of his friends. It was kind of comforting knowing that at least one member of the clan who would want to kill him was nice to him. “Of course, we must stick together. Also you, Hinata,” he added with a gentle smile.

Hinata blushed and nodded. There was a strange joy in doing something that wrong, like hanging with people that her dad had told her not to do. “Ye-yes! We are friends. . .” she answered with her own weak grin.

Iruka entered the room and began to name the teams' composition slowly. When he finished, chaos filled the room, and Naruko almost jumped on him. Ryuko needed to hold her from behind since she stood up while the boy was still sitting. The girl was rubbing her ass all over his face while he grabbed her with his arms.

“Why?! I am not with Ryuko, but I am on the same team as her?!” Naruko yelled to Iruka as she pointed to Satsuki.

After a few minutes passed and the girl had finally calmed down, Ryuko got up and went near the teacher with a strange expression. The teenager was actually confused by a small detail.

“Hey . . . Iruka sensei . . . you didn't mention my name,” he asked with a polite tone, repressing the scorn born out of that fact. The boy did a really nice job repressing all that rage and hate that was bubbling inside him, mostly because he was not on the same team as any of his friends.

Iruka took a deep breath, with actual guilt in his words. “I am sorry, Ryuko, but there wasn't a Jonin that wanted you in their team nor more genins available,” the man confessed, hating the idea that this happened, but it wasn't as strange as one would think. He honestly saw it coming, taking into consideration his family.

“What does this mean?” The boy asked again, a little calmer now that he could sense some true regret in that man's voice.

“Well, you are still a ninja, and you can still take missions. You are just not part of any team or have a pre-selected teacher,” Iruka finally said, calmly explaining the boy's situation.

“That means I cannot do missions with other ninjas?” Ryuko asked again, still confused by his strange situation.

“No no no, you can do it, but that depends on the Jonin in charge of the Genin team if they want to take you with them. It is actually more common than you think to ask for an extra ninja for hard missions,” the teacher quickly corrected him, making it clear he could still get experience if he found a Jonin that would accept him.

Ryuko looked at the ground for a second, still angry and annoyed by that decision. He really wanted to be with his friends to make sure that Hinata and Naruko were safe, and now that was robbed from him. “Oh . . .” he muttered, using his disappointment to hide the boiling rage inside him.

“Don't worry, Ryuko; as soon as you are a Chunin, you will be able to form a team with anybody you want,” Iruka added with a gentle smile, trying to reassure the boy.

“So I need to pass the Chunin exams without a master to teach me?” The boy asked with a neutral tone, but it was more like an insult that escaped his lips. This was unfair. However, he soon remembered Lee. If she could do it, he wouldn't have any excuse.

The man shook his head. “I am sorry, but I am sure your family can get you a nice teacher,” Iruka finally said as the boy began to walk back toward his seat.

“Yes . . . I guess,” he said, sounding and looking sad. Pure and unadulterated hate filled his veins since they dared to throw him into the trash again. After all his hard work, he just asked for one thing: to keep the only thing that made his life less lonely. Now, that was taken away from the boy and he could see them laughing at him; they were mocking him; they hate him; they want him dead; they want him to suffer; they . . .

The boy felt a familiar hand patting his back. “This is bullsh*t, let me tell you that!” Naruko yelled, her boisterous voice slaying those edgy thoughts.

“Well, I am going to miss you . . .” he answered with a weak smile. What was he thinking about? It didn't matter.

“Don't get so gloomy! We still live in the same village,” the girl said again, shining like a blazing sun in front of the boy.

He would not let this go, no matter what. “Hey Naruko . . . why don't you go live with me? My house is a lot better than yours, and if we do it, we can be together more time,” the boy asked without even thinking about the full implications of those words; Ryuko just wanted to spend more time with Naruko.

Hinata's face blushed a little. “Hey . . . is it not a little weird for you two to be living together at this age?” The shy girl asked with a weak tone.

“What?! Why? We have been sleeping together since we were 8!” Naruko exclaimed with a dismissive tone.

The princess's face became as red as a cherry. “What?!” The girl asked as she opened her eyes wide.

“Well, yes. I invited you the first time because I thought you were a boy,” Ryuko added, rolling his eyes.

Naruko gave him a small punch in the arm. “And I accept because I thought you were a girl,” she said with a smug smile.

“I-I-I . . .” Hinata mumbled, her face about to explode. At least she confirmed that Naruko was into girls.

“Well, I won in the end; I look like a woman now, and you still look like a girl,” the blonde girl exclaimed at the end with a wide grin.

Ryuko let out a sigh, accepting defeat. “It is not my fault that I cannot build muscles,” he finally said, and then took a look at Hinata, who seemed really red for some reason.

"Also, Hinata, we can have a room ready for you if you want to come over; it would be great having you for our sleepovers,” he quickly added. Maybe she was jealous, so it would be nice to invite her to hang with them.

“Sleepovers . . .?” The girl asked with a confused expression.

“Yes, we had been having them for ages!” Naruko exclaimed and gave her a thumbs up.

“Oh . . . that . . . sleepovers,” Hinata mumbled and giggled, the color draining from her face at a fast pace while she began to calm herself.

“is there something wrong, Hinata?” Ryuko asked, confused by the whole situation.

“No! Nothing!” The Hyuga princess mumbled, getting red again, but this time out of shame for her dirty thoughts.

“You are such a weird girl sometimes,” Naruko said with a dismissive tone, showing that she was denser than her chakra reserves.

“So, what do you say? Somebody needs to make sure you don't eat only instant ramen,” Ryuko asked again.

Naruko chuckled. “Of course I will live with you! I am not letting you get rid of me so easily,” the girl finally said.

In a dimly private room in a tavern not that far from Konoha, a kunoichi was sitting on a table with a shady-looking old man in front of her. There was a big breasted blonde woman passing out drunk beside her, even if it was just 6 p.m.

“So is that all?” Shizune asked, looking at the contract in front of her. The kunoichi was a beauty with black hair and light skin. Dressed in a black and white gi with a fishnet shirt under it, she had a nice set of breasts, but nothing compared to her master. However, the kunoichi compensated for that with her deep obsidian eyes, which looked like a pair of jewels, and her amazing ass. A perfect round posterior and thighs so big that they could be used in taijutsu to break a ninja's neck.

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The man nodded, already knowing the result of the team selection a few days beforehand. “Yes, we will pay that chunk of Lady Tsunade's debt if you teach our young genin,” he answered with a serious tone.

Shizune made a grimace of disgust. There was something about the man that creeped her out. The contract in front of her was also shady, especially the part where it said that she needed to obey the genin's orders or get a massive penalty on her master's debt. “Can I return to my master whenever I want?” She asked, as that condition was the only one that gave her some freedom.

“Indeed, only three days per week of training are needed,” the man answered, already looking at the clock and wanting to leave this place.

“I get it . . .” the konoichi muttered and closed her eyes. Before signing the contract, she had a big question.

“Fine, I will train that child, but one question first,” Shizune said as she could see the potential of that ninja. After all, with all those bloodlines he was really interesting. That was why it was a little fishy that he didn't have a master already.

The old man let out a deep sigh and nodded. “Sure, go ahead,” he added with a tired tone.

“Why? Why are you expending all this money on him?” A simple question that the kunoichi needs to know the answer to.

“We are trying to recover an investment that went horribly bad. Getting the Uzumaki bloodline to reinforce our family costed us dearly, and now that we lost it, he is the only one carrying those genes in our family. It is in our best interest to keep him alive, and since you are an expert in that field, you were the best choice that we could find,” the man spewed with a cold tone that made Shizune feel a twist in her stomach.

The woman pierced the man with her stare. She hated the kind of people who use other humans as nothing more than objects. Shizune actually felt bad for her future student who had been raised in such a place. “You are disgusting,” the woman snarled with an aggressive tone, trying to take some control over this situation even if she knew she didn't have any.

“We don't pay you to get your opinion; we pay you to do your job,” the man answered with a blank expression, tired of all this waste of time.

Shizune resisted the urge to spit on his face, but then looked at her sleeping teacher. “It will be done,” she finally said, ready to become Ryuko's temporary teacher.

Naruko and Ryuko had an amazing time that night as they moved together. It took them the whole evening to move the girl's stuff to his home, but since the boy was really good at Fuinjutsu, they could do it in one trip. Then they set up Naruko's room in the boy's house. It was so far from the main mansion of his clan that it was basically a house for himself.

It was an impressive two-story flood house with a more old style than the other houses in Konoha. With one room for visitors, two bathrooms, one storage room, one living room, and one kitchen, one small family could comfortably live there. Surrounded by a small but thick forest that worked as a barrier between the main house and this one, they had a lot of privacy.

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Once everything was set up, they began to party as always. Eating junk food, playing board games, and watching movies on the VHS player that Ryuko had. Everything went as always until it was time to go to sleep. Naruko took a bath and walked around the house wearing only a small white shirt that barely covered her breasts and a pair of orange panties like she always did in her small and dirty apartment.

“Ryu . . . where do you have all the orange juice?” Naruko asked while opening the fridge and bending over to search for food inside it. The boy went up and decided to check what that girl was doing when he saw how much his dear friend had grown.

Naruko's massive posterior was exposed to the ninja in all her glory. There was only a thin line of orange cloth that was her panties hiding her private parts with not that much success. He could almost see her puss*, that pair of small lips with only a string hiding their pink interior. What he could clearly see was her asshole. It was a little darker than the rest of her skin. But the boy was able to ogle the brown star in all its glory as the stretched panties were pushed aside from the pose and revealed that dirty part of her. From the big, fat ass to the succulent thighs, that view awakened something in Ryuko.

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A rush of emotion flared up inside the young boy's head. What would he do with Naruko? What would be their future? Would he let her just go away? Marry another man or woman? Or maybe the girl would live the rest of her life alone without a partner. This was unacceptable; any of those options were a nightmare scenario for Ryuko. There was only one road where both would be happy, and he would grab it and not let it go.

The boy took a deep breath, feeling nervous, his heart beating faster, and his face blushing. It was time for him to finally act on his emotions.

Naruko was unaware that her best friend got behind, and then she felt a huge spike of pain in her left ass cheek. A sharp pain made her squeal as the palm of the redhead left a red imprint on the jinchuriki ass.

“Ouch! That hurts!” The girl barked as she moved her head around to see Ryuko behind her with a small smile. However, Naruko still kept bending on the fridge, the cold of the metal box washing over her body while the heat from the attack assaulted her posterior. For a second, the girl felt mixed emotions; that pain felt a little bit good. Any gesture that Ryuko did to her, from when he held her in place to when they practiced taijutsu. The lonely girl was so touch-starved for love that she even began to get some pleasure from the burst of pain from those ephemeral touches. So Naruko stood there, trying to bait another caress or spank.

Ryuko was happy; his palm was still feeling the soft texture of Naruko's ass. “From now on, you are forbidden to wear pants inside the home,” he ordered with a teasing tone. The boy would be as dominant as necessary to ensure their happy ending; if he needed to treat Naruko as his pet from now on to guarantee her happiness, he would do it.

The blonde scoffed at the suggestion and turned back to keep searching for the orange juice, teasing him. “It is not like I was planning to do it anyway . . .” she muttered, as the girl didn't have any problem showing her body to her best friend.

Naruko then felt something that she didn't expect as Ryuko's hands began to grope her ass. Grabbing it and massaging her posterior with those delicate fingers, kneading her ass as if it was ramen dough. As he proceeded, the girl began to feel weird and strangely hot as her face began to get red.

“He-Hey?! What are you doing? Pervert!” Naruko barked again, having trouble realizing what her best friend wanted. It was impossible that Ryuko would be interested in the filthy girl and the demon she was.

The girl felt the boy leaning over her, his breath caressing her ear as he whispered. “Yeah, but I'm your pervert. Pervert,” Ryuko muttered as his hands kept working on her ass. She could feel her puss* sweating as the head became hotter and hotter.

Naruko felt a knot in her stomach, knowing perfectly well where this was going but unable to fully accept it. “Don't play with me like that . . .” she purred; this was a dream or a cruel prank. There was no way that her friend would want to be with her in such a way, and there was no way that someone would actually like her so much.

Another spike of pain assaulted the girl as Ryuko bit her neck, marking her with them. “I'm going to make you mine forever; I'll make it so you can't even think about anyone else; I'll engrave it in you,” he whispered again, using the pain to make it clear this wasn't any trick or genjutsu. These were his true feelings.

“I-I-I . . . Do you promise that?” Naruko mumbled as her emotions were about to burst. She was shaking out of fear and excitement. The girl didn't care what the conditions were; she just wanted to be with him. Naruko wanted to be desired, to be lusted for, and to be touched, and having that done by her best friend was a dream come true.

She felt those hands hugging her from behind, squeezing her body as if she was about to fall from a cliff. “With each fiber of my being,” Ryuko proclaimed, his voice dead serious and drenched in pure desire.

Nakuro smiled, her body relaxing and her heart bursting with happiness. “Thanks . . .However, you are so mean! Groping my ass and spanking me! You are the worst!” The girl yelled with her regular wide grin, moving the mood to something that she would feel more comfortable with.

Ryuko chuckled. “Well, you will be living with me from now on. I cannot let you tease me all the time without consequences. You need to take responsibility for rubbing your fat ass and cow tit* in my face all the time,” Ryuko answered as his hands went back to grope her ass.

The girl laughed as she felt those nimble fingers touching her wet slit across her pantie. She gritted her teeth, but the sound of her moan still escaped her lips. “It is not my fault that your face is such a good chair!” She barked back while the boy pulled down her panties.

“That would explain why you are so wet down there . . .” Ryuko muttered, and Naruko felt something weird.

The girl felt this big slab of throbbing meat rubbing her puss* with its length; the wet tip was reaching her belly button as she was in awe by the sheer girt of it; it was like a soda can. “Why are you touching me with your forearm? Weirdo,” she teased him before realizing something. That wasn't his forearm.

“Oh . . .” she mumbled, her eyes opening wide as not even in her wildest dreams Naruko would imagine Ryuko with this monster in his pants. It totally did not match his frame or face.

Naruko let out another squeal as that bitch-breaking co*ck kissed her lower lips. However, the teasing kept going and going until the girl started to become frustrated. Just when she was about to say something, she felt another big slap on her ass. “Come on, use the contraceptive jutsu that they taught us in health class,” he ordered with a dominant and deep tone.

The girl rolled her eyes. “Why don't you do it? I suck at this,” Naruko barked back. Even if she was an Uzumaki, she was not that good in that field. However, unable to resist the command, she quickly weaved her hands signs and something similar to a womb tattoo appeared on her lower body. It was a basic sealing jutsu that closed her cervix so sem*n couldn't get into her womb.

“It is more fun this way. You may get it wrong, and you could get pregnant,” Ryuko teased her as his bloated balls filled with boiling sperm were ready to do anything in their power to breed Naruko. The boy wanted kids; he wanted a huge family he could actually love, not like his clan.

Naruko opened her eyes wide. For a second, she felt a little bit tempted by the idea of getting pregnant, but then her more rational part beat some sense into her. “What?! I cannot get pregnant!” She yelled as her whole body was trembling while her friend kept teasing her wet puss*. Drops of her fluids were already creating a small puddle on the floor. Even the stench of sex was flooding the kitchen without needing a single penetration.

“Then you better get studying, you lazy ass! I will try to break your seal all the time from now on, so be a proper ninja and study your fuinjutsu!” Ryuko exclaimed with a genuinely worried tone about his friend.

“You are the worst! Ruining our first time with studying!” Naruko barked back; she hated having to read stuff.

“Meh, we are doing it outside my fridge; the moment was already ruined,” the boy quickly answered with a dismissive tone.

The girl let out a deep sigh and nodded. “Fair point,” she gave in before feeling that co*ck leaving her alone and making her brace herself for the impact.

With a swift hip movement, Ryuko impaled Naruko with his massive co*ck, tearing her hymen and inducing a wave of pleasure and pain in both teenagers. The girl howled like a wounded dog as she felt her c*nt getting wrecked by that colossal meat slab that directly punched her cervix. A spike of pure carnal joy mixed with pain made her legs weak, she almost felt to the floor, but the boy made sure to keep her standing. She barely hung to the outline of the fridge; a mixture of the cold oozed from it and the lewd situation perked her nipples to the point where one could see them across her tank top.

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“Ah! You are so tight!” Ryuko moaned, the sensation of being inside Naruko feeling unreal and addicting. Sex was a lot better than just simple masturbation. The best part for him was that the boy was using his ninja-breaking co*ck inherited from his evil bastard family to make his best friend feel so good.

Naruko gritted her teeth, trying to save some face, but her brain was already drowning in pleasure. “f*ck, why is your co*ck so big?!” She barked back as the boy began to move slowly. Each movement made Naruko felt like he would pull her whole c*nt out of her body, stretching and scraping her puss* with so much pressure that she could only squeal, moan, and drool like an animal.

Ryuko slapped that ass again, loving each second of this. Dominating Naruko and reshaping her guts with his co*ck so she would always be with him, even if it was an egotistical act, gave him the reward of a tight, hot, and moist hole that was driving him mad. “It is your stupid, sexy body that makes my co*ck so hard!” He snarled, remembering all the teasing she did during their lives. Now there was no more teasing, just raw, primal sex like two animals in heat.

The sound of two bodies clapping against each other rumbled across the house, even shaking it a little as the glasses vibrated from the howls of pleasure that the two ninjas were making. In the kitchen, the musky stench of sex, sweat, cum, and girl juices followed the place as a light mist.

“Then I'll . . . f*ck. . . make sure to fix that!” Naruko managed to squeal as her mind was turning into mush. She only clenched her puss* harder, forcing Ryuko to move his hips faster as both got drunk on each other's bodies.

If the girl wanted to fight, the boy would give her that. “Byakugan!” He exclaimed with a loud tone, veins around his white eyes popping as he activated his dojutsu. Why did he do it? To see Naruko's G spot it and directly punch it with his co*ck.

The second that he did that, the girl lost. “Wait! It is not fair!” Naruko exclaimed as she surrendered herself to the pleasure and showed how much she was his bitch with each inch of her body. She screamed while crying, snot, tears, and saliva ran down her face as the heat in her loins began to boil.

Ryuko began to move as fast as he could, feeling his balls getting heavy and about to burst, but he refused to finish until he made sure to capture his ray of sunshine so it would never leave him alone. “We are ninjas! We don't play fair!” He finally said that, resolving himself to use any dirty trick in his sleeves to ensure their happiness.

Naruko felt it—how Ryuko was turning her into a completely incurable slu*t. Each strike, each thrust, was engraving in her soul that sex was one of the most joyful things they could do together. It was not only the feeling of getting her puss* stretched but also the stench of sem*n in the air, the warmth oozing from the boy's body, their moans and grunts of pleasure mixing together, the spicy pain of having her virginity torn, and the fact she was doing it with her best friend.

They stop talking, both completely enraptured by their own pleasure and feeling their climaxes getting nearer as the speed reached its peak. After a few minutes, everything ended with an explosion.

Naruto: Konoha 12 - Chapter 1 - Spiderling77 (8)

Ryuko's co*ck went as deep as he could into that puss*, punching her cervix, and erupted in a flood of cum. He clenched his balls and shot rope after rope of thick seed inside his best friend. Ryuko gritted his teeth as a string of saliva drooled from his mouth, and his byakugan was fully activated to witness how his seed flooded the interior of Naruko. This was pure pleasure. He wanted to breed her, fill her womb with his seed, and create a huge family; however, the girl had made a decent seal. The talent of the Uzumaki clan in fuinjutsu played against the boy in this case.

The second that Naruko felt that thick and virile sap coating her interior, the heat on her loins exploded into a blazing inferno of pleasure, and she climaxed. A loud screech of pure lewd joy escaped her lungs while she made a wide and dorky smile, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. The girl could feel Ryuko draining his balls inside her c*nt as she lowered her cervix and squeezed each drop out of him. Naruko's whole body tensed as the string of a bow was about to get shot in the few seconds that both were cumming; her slit squirted girl fluids all over the floor as the thick globs of cum overflowed her puss*. Only when both were finally done tainting the kitchen floors with her juices and teenage hormones, she finally relaxed, almost falling to the ground again.

They stood there completely still for a few seconds, as if the world around them had ceased to exist. For Ryuko, at that moment, the big and scary world that made him feel so tiny and weak was gone. The only thing in existence for him was Naruko, and that made a wave of relief and joy wash over him. A feeling that the boy became instantly addicted to. For Naruko, it was this genuine act of love—something that reinforced her wishes to become Hokage and defend this village. She could make other people like her and love her; her dreams were not impossible, and her future husband was clear proof of that.

After that, Ryuko pulled out. He witnessed the beauty of Naruko's gaping puss* as she felt her body expelling the sem*n inside her on the floor. It was like a white waterfall of sap-like spunk oozing from her c*nt.

“How . . . do you cum so much?” The girl asked with a drowsy tone as her brain began to recover from her org*sm. Naruko's regenerating nature was already in effect, not only restoring her stamina but also healing her puss* back into her prime tightness. Lucky for the girl, her hymen grew back but was a lot more elastic than before, so tearing it with that massive co*ck was no longer a problem.

Ryuko took a deep breath, his co*ck finally relaxing as the refractory period began to kick in. “10 years of you blue-balling me, and I am not even done,” the boy teased as the girl quickly turned her back and rubbed her perky nipples against his chest.

“You better do it; you made a promise,” Naruko muttered with a smug smile on her lips.

Ryuko grabbed her ass again and pushed the kunoichi even closer to him. “And I will fulfill it,” he finally said, and after that, they shared their first kiss.

The rest of the night was marked by the sound of two bodies clapping between each other all the time. They f*cked on each possible piece of furniture in the house over and over again as they both put their stamina to the test. The couple had become completely addicted to each other as they shared fluids non-stop. They were loud, lewd, crying, and moaning like animals while snot, tears, saliva, sem*n, and girl juices constantly mixed. There were only those few moments of calm between mating sessions where they would just take a respite to hug and kiss each other, unable to be apart even during those brief minutes.

Ryuko was an Uzumaki, and their stamina was legendary, but he miscalculated one small detail. Naruko also had Uzumaki blood plus the boost of the nine tails; in terms of sheer endurance, she came on top. . . metaphorically and literally.

As the sun was rising on the window, Ryuko was lying on his wet futon. Naruko was on top of him. “What is the problem, pervert? Are you still mad because I am rubbing my cow tit* all over you?” She muttered with a vulpine smile, her huge tit* wrapping around Ryuko's massive co*ck. The girl moved them up, making sure to milk one last round before the two fell asleep. Naruko hypnotized her lover with the movement of those colossal white fleshy mountains with two huge pink peaks as if she was casting a genjutsu on him.

Naruto: Konoha 12 - Chapter 1 - Spiderling77 (9)

The boy made a small smile as a shot of sem*n burst out of his co*ck, coating not only Naruko's tit* but also her face with his seed. A small moan was forced out his lips as the girl kissed the sensitive tip, sucking was left in his tank. “You are breaking my heart,” he said as both looked each other in the eyes, sharing the same flaming passion.

On the outside of the house, hiding in the trees at a safe distance of more than 50 meters, there was a hooded figure dressed in black spying on them. Wearing a strange white mask with catlike details similar to the ANBU, she made sure to remain vigilant about the whole situation. Even if the kunoichi couldn't see inside the home, she could hear and smell what had happened inside. Cold, emotionless, and inexpressive, this enemy made sure to inform her boss about the current situation with the nine tails and the bastard son.

Naruto: Konoha 12 - Chapter 1 - Spiderling77 (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.